morning, I'm wanting to move the toilet to the next room, a metre away, how expensive is this process? whats in volved, thanks.
May 15, 6:37pm
Lots of factors to consider here like single story house? Wooden floors with access underneath? etc etc.
May 15, 11:43pm
In Whangarei if you move a toilet more than 1 metre you have to get compliance according to my plumber who looked at doing that for us recently. have not even bothered to enquire with the council about that cost, as to put up a carport over 20 sq metres has a compliance cost not much less than the cost of a single carport.
May 16, 4:10am
The Building Act has a schedule of work that doesn't need building consents. A plumber is allowed to move a toilet within a bathroom or an adjacent toilet into the bathroom. I don't know if a council can change that.
May 17, 2:41pm
Hi, the house is single story, weatherboard the laundry room where I would like the toilet is half concrete floor and floorboards, ex statehouse built in 1949, I was hoping to go for a floating toilet. I'm in chch.
May 17, 3:18pm
impossible for anyone here to say how much it's going to cost because there are too many variables. just ask a plumber/builder to come and give you a quote for the work you want.
May 17, 4:00pm
Not impossible to have a close estimate provided . >
Easy access Same hardware/ toilet etc AND in good condition or brand new gear Piping within easy reach & good condition Std wooden flooring spec's for that age house No house piles in the way. No issues with lighting/ windows/ doors etc
OR in other words, what amounts to a straight forward EASY move. THEN it's upwards from there.
Anybody who says it's impossible to estimate based on clearly stated bare basics easy clean work is an idiot & lazy
Anybody who estimates for a complete job on an unknown, non inspected work site is also an idiot or estimating really high costings
May 17, 4:51pm
Thanks for the update Pauldw. I will point that out to our plumber.
May 17, 6:10pm
What do you mean by a floating toilet? My first thought of toilets and floaters wasnt a pleasant one!
May 17, 8:49pm
AArrhh yes probably a wall mount unit. Thats a lot harder then a simple floor mounted unit
May 17, 9:25pm
yes and none of that information was provided by the original poster, hence it is impossible for anyone to give any genuinely useful comments.
Jan 7, 5:12pm
My parents put a new loo in about 2 years ago $2000
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