Is there a native tree that looks and grows like a

farmerplops, Jun 19, 6:41am
Weeping willow? Ive made a 20 square metre island in the middle of a large pond, and want to plant a large tree in there, i love weeping willows, but i want to keep with the native theme. Any ideas thanks

laurenlee, Jun 19, 9:47am
Rimus or kowhais have attractive foliage.However if it is a wet area,consider a grouping of kahikatea,as they love wet conditions.

rainrain1, Jun 19, 7:59pm
Rimu would take a lifetime to grow very high,, kowhai might weep for you, what about the Kaka Beak

farmerplops, Jun 20, 4:56am
Would Kauris mind wet feet?

uppie270, Jun 20, 5:14am
You could plant all 3 Kahikatea, Kowhai and Rimu along with something fast growing (Kanuka, Broadleaf (kowhai are somewhere in the middle). The fast growing trees will encourage/force the slower growing trees to grow fast. I have a semi-weeping rimu that is 5m tall after just 8-9 years of having to compete with broadleafs and kowhais. Trim the fast growing trees out as you get the effect you are after.

spider47, Jun 20, 5:17am
Same answers as I would give. What a cool idea. Kowhai and Kakabeaks would look awesome together.

mybooks, Jun 20, 7:06am
One of the kowhai I have growing here is a weeping type - don't know which name it is though - it's beautiful in spring with large yellow flowers.

spiritofgonzo, Jun 20, 3:55pm
I would go for a strand of kahikatea, as someone else has mentioned.

antoniab, Jun 20, 7:00pm
Kauri prefer ridgelines or steep banks that drain well, although it probably wouldn't die - it wouldn't thrive either on a pond island.
I would also go kowhai if you want a weeping type tree :)

farmerplops, Dec 10, 6:51am
Thanks i might try the kahikatea, with kowhai surrounded by cabbage trees