How to stop possum stealing fruit, climbing tree

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lauren66, Nov 8, 8:50pm
We have a possum around, I have seen it in the garden! We have no way of getting rid of it, but last yr it ate all my plums before they were ripe, and I've now found its been nibbling on my lemons!
What I want to know is how can I stop it climbing the tree trunks to the fruit? I had wondered about a PVC pipe cut down the length and slipped over the trunk, but wondered if anyone had any other better ideas?

kaylin, Nov 8, 9:30pm
Can it jump from one tree to yours, or is it a separate tree from others? And is a metal collar for the tree possible? Contact your regional council for a trap.

lauren66, Nov 8, 9:49pm
It is separate from other trees so must be climbing the trunk. The trees are only young, 3yrs. So still have a lot of growing. Would a metal collar allow for that?

ira78, Nov 8, 10:05pm
Yup shoot it or 1080 best options.

nzjay, Nov 8, 10:12pm
This. If you leave it you'll end up with 20 possums.

lettice, Nov 8, 10:12pm
A Timms kill trap would work, and as long as you use only fruit baits pets shouldn't be attracted. A cage trap will leave you the problem of how to kill it, if you don't have a firearm. A lure made of flour and cinnamon will lead the possum the right way. A PVC collar should work OK too. There are repellents you can buy, nit sure how good they are.

lauren66, Nov 8, 10:34pm
Ok. I might call the council and see what they suggest. I don't have a firearm, and not keen on having a live possum trapped in a cage!

ed65, Nov 8, 11:11pm
Bunnings in Mt Roskill were selling Timms traps for about $51 recently. We found a little cinnamon sprinkled on a piece of apple worked best as bait, and peanut butter on a morsel of bread is good too. We'd set ours after dark and then if there was nothing in there the next morning, set it off again so we didn't catch any other type of animal during daylight hours.

If I was using one in an urban environment I'd position it off the ground to deter curious cats. But if it's going to be off the ground then block off the bottom so that the only way for the possum to get the bait is to put its head where it's supposed to.

newtec1, Nov 9, 7:46am
Get a Timms trap,set it and sit back and watch. They are so inquisitive they won't be able to help themselves . That way you can deter cats and leave it to them. Just a piece of apple will do,but if you want just leave some flour spread around on the ground around the trap to remind them.They are the easiest pest to catch if you have the right traps.

rojill, Nov 9, 9:11am
Timms trap is the way to go in the urban areas. After trap has caught and INSTANTLY killed the possum, stick same in a plastic bag, seal and put out for collection in in your rubbish bin. . . . . Alternatively, bury the body in your garden in hole at least 400mm deep - they make good fertilizer.

whitehead., Nov 9, 9:30am
please dont use peanut butter as cats like it too and there is no way out of a timms trap . but an apple will do the trick and tin collars on your trees work as well .

grouch, Nov 9, 10:21am
I will only set one if my cats are all inside. They are lethal.

skin1235, Nov 9, 10:42am
they can jump nearly 5ft ( 175cm) from the ground upward, so any tin wrap will have to be that far up, and it will need to be about 500mm across, not many fruit trees suit those dimensions

ed65, Nov 10, 7:31pm
There's an article in the latest 'Western Leader' about two ladies who run 'Operation Possum Blitz' in Auckland. They're selling subsidised Timms traps for $35 email op.possumblitz or phone 817 4338. Looks like you have to collect the trap in person but the upside is that you'll get shown how to use it properly and safely.

lauren66, Nov 11, 7:23am
Thanks. Will have a look at the possum blitz people. We have a cat always waiting around for food here, it's here most mornings. I don't know if it has a home or not, it's friendly with our own cats but not us, acts like it's starving. I do worry it might try eat anything in the trap as it's hungry!

skin1235, Nov 11, 6:31pm
so it will dispose of the possum body for you once you have trapped it, mine do, cut it in a couple of places so they can see the meat then they devour the lot

eljayv, Nov 11, 7:00pm
This weeks western leader has item and phone number for woman selling subsidised Timms possum kill traps.

rsr72, Nov 11, 9:36pm
- airgun.
Head shot.

lauren66, Nov 12, 12:09am
Thanks. I have contacted the possum blitz people

charie4, Nov 14, 6:02am
Slug gun right under the ear. Kills 1st time every time.

mottly, Nov 14, 6:15am
Borrow a dog. But be aware, rats do the same things to fruit and trees

tony473, Nov 15, 7:05am
Yes Timms trap the best with piece of apple. probably worth getting one as where one possum comes there will always be more. My bros place they trap 3 or 4 at a time then weeks later another lot comes through, never ending.
I was house sitting there last year for a couple of months, I didn't believe it but they attacked the lemon tree and a potted lime with 3 limes on it, on the deck. All that was left was a few pieces of chewed lime skin and bites out of the lemons.

krystu, Nov 15, 7:38am
They also love new spring growth roses ect. Good on you for looking into the Timms trap. A great investment. And as mentioned if there is one around there will be others.

jhan, Nov 15, 8:59am
You can just drop the cage into a swimming pool or river.

brightlights60, Nov 15, 9:43am
Spat my coffee out reading this thread. My brother lives up country with my SIL. She is very much an animal lover, but did get cross when the possums started eating her early veges, just planted out after she lovingly started them in the dining room and nursed them through to big enough to get planted. They live somewhere with a very short growing season and are vegetarians, so veges are important. Brother bought a trap, was trapping one a day at one point. He said he got up early, emptied the trap, went up to the border of their property, got a real spin on the super huge possums, (stuck his arm out and said the nose hit the ground!), spun it like a chopper then let go, said they "went bush". One he was particularly proud of hit water, and the river is quite a way away.