Gib suppliers in Hamilton / Cambridge area?

macman26, Jun 30, 4:41am
Just after a small bag of cornice adhesive and other bits and pieces for a bit of patching. Cambridge would be more convenient but I do get to Hamilton about once a week.
Any recommendations would be appreciated thanks.

woody89, Jun 30, 3:03pm
Have you tried your local mitre10 & bunnings? I've brought patch sized amounts there before.

ebygum1, Jun 30, 3:14pm
Cambridge has a Bunnings,Carters,Mega, and I.T.M. They will all have this.

macman26, Dec 2, 7:13pm
Thanks for the replys. Bunnings only had 20kg bags. I ended up in Hamilton today and had a look around and found a plastering supplier. Got a 5kg bag for $10 of cornice cement. Holes patched now. Just need to do top coat, sand and paint and be all finished. (until next time)