What's the name of the tree that this comes from

kam04, May 10, 9:51pm
We were in Akaroa yesterday and walked past a tree that had these growing on it. Does anyone know the name of the tree. Sorry no photos of the tree.

janbodean, May 10, 9:55pm
Looks like the pods off one of the gum trees. At least, we had them when we had a red gum.

kam04, May 10, 10:02pm
They hung in big clumps and the tree was absolutely covered in them.

kam04, May 10, 10:42pm
Yes I think you are right. We've been out to have a look at the gums next door and they have a similar pod but only a fraction of the size of the one in the photo

gbking, May 10, 11:08pm
Corymbia ficifolia, used to be Eucalyptus ficifolia, commonly known as red flowering gum

shanreagh, May 11, 1:05am

tourer100, May 11, 4:24am
Snugglepot and Cuddlepie

kam04, May 11, 2:46pm
yeah, cute

fendie, Jan 11, 8:49pm
One of my sisters still can't bear to grow Banksias because of the Big Bad Banksia men who were friends of Mrs Snake. They were mean to Snugglepot and Cuddlepie