Trying to save my lemon tree.

aquarius2005, Nov 25, 7:25pm
Hi, I have a very small lemon tree that last year actually had 2 small lemons.
This year its looking very sad, leaves are dropping off, rust underneath the leaves, tiny white egg like hoppers and ants and flat blob like juicy brown flat attached eggs or something. I have put ant rid in the pot, and every day I pick off whats attached. Its crazy whats jumping on this tree. Any ideas ! Thanks.

wheelz, Nov 25, 7:50pm
Sounds like your tree is very stressed. Citrus in pots are very demanding, needing a large pot ( 1/2 barrel size), good potting mix, slow release fertiiliser, regular watering ( almost daily at this time of year)A good spray with an insecticide, add a little spraying, oil to smother the mealy bug and other critters it is harboring. Place it away from strong cold winds as well.

trah, Nov 25, 9:32pm
The flat brown blob things are scale.The white things are probably white fly.You need conqueror oil to smother the scale.Otherwise all the above info is good.As wheelz said, citrus in pots need extra care and frequent watering.

aquarius2005, Nov 21, 11:56am
Ok, thanks, Im on to it with the oil. Cheers.