Hi my lemon bush is getting yellowing on its leaves and the leaves are then going brown and curling up. Also my lemons have black and some brown patches on them. I'm guessing it needs feed but have no idea what the problem is, so don't know what it needs. Any help would be great, thanks.
Nov 11, 5:42pm
Mine went like this after the heavy frosts last winter. Lemons had frozen solid! I don't know if I did the right thing, but I cut it back after the risk of severe frosts, gave it a feed of sheep pellets & kept the water up to it (it's under the eaves & gets little rain) & it's coming away again well . thank goodness, as it's an old tree & I would have been upset to lose it. Good luck.
Nov 11, 6:29pm
Yellow could be: Overwatering, underwatering, lack of nutrients, stress. Black and brown patches - Alternaria rot Blue and green mold Anthracnose Botrytis rot Sooty mold Septoria rot
any number of things, check one of the problem guides on the net - with pictures.
Nov 11, 8:26pm
You scaremongering? We had several -7 degree frosts in Canterbury . where I live a -9 was recorded so I'm picking that's what it is. What poor lemon tree would come out of those cold temps unscathed?
Nov 12, 5:50am
And. what disease would survive those temperatures!
Nov 12, 1:10pm
A dose of Ebbs n Salts, followed by some Citrus Fert and water will bring it back to life. Neem Oil for black soot on leaves, or a damp rag and wipe it all off then spray.
Nov 12, 7:08pm
same lost 2 now third time lucky got a new 1 in a tub now so will bring in for the winter as snow as well
Nov 12, 7:25pm
The person asking does not mention frost, what size or how old the tree is or provide pictures. I was trying to be helpful by saying there are a number of causes, not jumping to conclusions.
Nov 12, 8:19pm
Hey, I wasn't having a go at you, did you not see the *winkie* face? She lives in ChCh. that's all I was going by. I lost a couple of youngish citrus, thought they were safe enough after a spray with Vaporguard . nope. My old lemon tree had a real knock back. We've even had a couple of frosts in the last week or so . so much for global warming.
Nov 13, 7:34pm
Do you mean Epson Salts?
Nov 14, 12:31am
No, they meant Epsom salts
Jul 31, 10:01am
Hehe the label from a shop has it spelt wrong, I was typing from the label.
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