Name of shrub/bush with orange flowers?

bellasmoons, Mar 6, 9:04pm
I thought it was a honeysuckle but looking those up they don't have the orange flowers im thinking of. anyone know what i mean! They often grow wildly in places.

lilyfield, Mar 6, 9:11pm

kateley, Mar 6, 9:14pm
is it a climber like honeysuckle!Could be campsis

bellasmoons, Mar 6, 9:37pm
Not a climber. Something with smaller flowers than that campsis.very similar looking to a honeysuckle flower as it has those nectar bits! sticking out the middle.unless it is some other sort of species.

lilyfield, Mar 6, 10:22pm

dee238, Mar 6, 10:25pm
Black eyed susan!It is running rife over the back of my section.

piquant, Mar 6, 10:44pm
Sounds more like either Tecomaria capensis (Cape Honeysuckle) or Pyrostegia venusta (Flame vine) It could also be Lonicera Dropmore Scarlet.

smoocher, Mar 6, 11:01pm
Could be one of these.
Red Mistletoe (Peraxilla Colensoi) if it is then its an endangered species.
Orange flowered cape honey suckle (Tecomaria capensis)
Orange bird of Paradise plant Caesalpinia Pulcherrima
Or there is a bulb that grows quiet large called Crocosmia aka Montbretia.
If its Crocosmia, then they can get very invasive.

maclad, Mar 7, 12:02am
Was my first thought as well

spiritofgonzo, Apr 6, 1:59pm
I too instantly thought tecoma capense . it's usually grown as a hedge.