Received a bunch of flowers - what is their name?

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koru67, Dec 1, 7:31pm
Received a bunch of flowers and the white flower has been the most long lasting of the mixed bunch. Can anyone tell me what they are . also if anyone knows the name of the foliage that would be good also. Thanks.

samanya, Dec 1, 7:56pm
I'm sure it's a Chincherinchee flower.
I don't know what the foliage is . I have it growing & I would also love to know it's name. Florists use it a lot.

standard, Dec 1, 8:12pm
Yep chinchincheree
Don't know about the leaves sorry

koru67, Dec 1, 8:21pm
Thanks to you both. I never would have found the name as I had absolutely no idea.

yjeva, Dec 1, 8:23pm
They reckon they can last for months in water.

woody89, Dec 1, 8:44pm
I seem to recall that Chincherinchee flowers were used in a science experiment at school. Stood in a vase of dye/ food colouring, they draw the colour up into the flowers. (Could be wrong after so many years lol)

chelseabird, Dec 1, 8:50pm
I also know it as Ornithogalum

nzjay, Dec 1, 9:12pm
We used to do that with daffodils. OMG, that was 60 years ago, lol

samanya, Dec 1, 9:19pm
That's it's botanical name Ornithogalum thyrsoides (don't know which is easier to say!

maclad, Dec 1, 9:32pm
The foliage would appear to be Ruscus, possibly "aculeatus" but not sure on the specific name. Otherwise known as Butchers Broom, white flowers followed by red berries. Great shrub, always looks healthy and can be pruned as you wish as it won't care.

koru67, Dec 1, 9:59pm
I'll let you know .

samanya, Dec 1, 10:18pm
Aaah, it sounds exactly like what I've been trying to find the name for! . does it smell delightful?
My neighbour gave me 3 seedlings & she didn't know the name either . thanks so much, I'm stoked as I'd like to buy some more for a hedge & now I know what to ask for.

maclad, Dec 1, 11:00pm
Yes I am pretty sure it has a nice fragrance and it would make a neat hedge. It does seed very freely tho, always heaps of seedlings under the main plant, but, for a hedge this will be a positive. It does not grow very tall, perhaps a metre or so.

paix1, Dec 2, 1:54am
I have many growing in my garden - just love them as they last so long! very easy to grow!

ruie, Dec 2, 1:50pm
maclad . I asked on this message board some months back if anyone could help me source Rucus. You responded saying you might be able to help but never got back to me. I fell in love with this foliage when I saw it used in floral arrangements for my mum's funeral & hunted all the nurseries for it but no-one stocked it & was told it was only grown commercially for florists. From the foliage I had, I tried growing it from cuttings but had no success.
If you or anyone else can help me, either with seeds or plants, I would forever be grateful :)

maclad, Dec 2, 9:36pm
I do not see why it is so hard to source, there must be many people with seedlings

samanya, Dec 2, 11:28pm
Yeah, I know they seed well, but I tried the veiled hints for more, with my lovely neighbour & she had none. I don't know why they are so hard to source either . maybe the florist growers protect them? They are a very old fashioned plant,apparently (my neighbour got hers from her husband's grandmother)

maclad, Dec 2, 11:36pm
Well as sad as it may seem I continually spray out many, many seedlings at work all the time. Perhaps i should grow them on. Maybe I could get rich lol

samanya, Dec 2, 11:39pm
[quote=macladPerhaps i should grow them on. Maybe I could get rich lol[/quote]
Not so silly, try it. sell them on TM . I'd buy them!
Thing is, not many people realise what a treasure they are.

maclad, Dec 2, 11:47pm
Gosh we have heaps at work and all of them seed so freely, can't believe they are so hard to buy. Maybe I will

samanya, Dec 3, 1:29am
Go for it!
As i said . not many people know what a lovely plant it is.
Tell us all when you list them?

summersunnz, Dec 3, 5:04am
We did that too, recognised the flower from back then as soon as I saw it in the post above. a lovely memory.

maclad, Dec 3, 11:41pm
left message for you.

ruie, Dec 4, 1:33pm
Hey maclad . haven't received your message?

maclad, Dec 4, 9:01pm
I will try again perhaps I got addy wrong is there a dot after J. ?