Does anyone know of a good ground cover with flowers that would take over a bit of lawn that is separate from the house? I don't really what to mow the lawn as it is quite hilly and hard to mow. thank you
Sep 28, 7:02pm
Blue Star Creeper (Isotoma fluviatillis) Elfin Thyme (Thymus serpyllum)
Sep 28, 8:16pm
Thank you for that
Sep 28, 10:13pm
I have my back yard almost covered with Aluminium Plant (sometimes called aluminium weed). Really keeps weeds away once established, and easy to dig out an area if wanted to. Exceptions: convolvulus, wandering willy and oxalis.
Sep 28, 10:22pm
Forget-me-nots spread rapidly. I'd be cautious about aluminium plant, though - I haven't found it so easy to dig out.
Sep 28, 10:25pm
Suggest OP tries it in a small area and see what she thinks. Would take a while to get established over a large area anyway.
Sep 28, 10:30pm
Another suggestion: Arctosis - the tough variety that is often found in gardens near the sea.
Sep 28, 10:39pm
Osteospermun , cape daisy. Some of the Mesbryanthemum would do it too. How big is the area as many of these plants will cover large areas. There are others which grow smaller.
Sep 28, 11:06pm
In my experience cape daisys self seed to areas where you do not want them.
Sep 28, 11:41pm
Different species. Osteospermum is lush, lavish, roots where it touches the soil. Comes in various shades and patterns of blues, purples, and a sort of yellow (which I'm not so struck on. It's a brilliant filler upper of sunny spaces. So is Arctotis, although I'm less lucky there.
Sep 29, 1:11am
It is quite a big area.
Sep 29, 1:12am
Thank you for everyone's suggestions.
Sep 29, 1:14am
Bacopa if no one has mentioned it.
Oct 1, 12:06am
Is the area sunny, shady or part shady. This will determine what you can grow
Sep 14, 10:40pm
The area is sunny.
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