HWC electrics panel leaks, cover plate left off

kaddiew, Jan 15, 4:27pm
Small, intermittent leaks through the electrics panel of my HWC, onto the floor, sometimes when hot water is run off. Plumber removed cover plate, said to leave it off and "don't touch anything" while he looked for a replacement for the 'unusual' thermostat. FIVE MONTHS later. still waiting to hear from him, cover still off. This week,on my 1st try, I located the exact same thermostat myself. (There's a very long and involved back story why I've so far stuck with this plumber for this unfortunate solar HW system.)

My questions are: how safe is it - or isn't it - to have no cover plate over the electrics, indefinitely? (It's in a cupboard). And if I find a new tradesperson, do I need an electrician or a plumber, to replace the thermostat?

Would really appreciate some advice. Thanks!

jonners2013, Jan 15, 4:31pm
with electricity, you either know what you're doing or you dont. if you dont, get an electrician.

kaddiew, Jan 15, 4:37pm
I definitely don't, so thanks for the advice!

captaingraham, Jan 15, 6:43pm

kaddiew, Jun 10, 9:52am
Thank you! : )