Lemon Tree. Our lemon tree appears to be failing leaves curling up and falling off it is around 20 years old and has survived dr
Mar 24, 5:43pm
Our lemon tree appears to be failing leaves curling up and falling off it is around 20 years old and has survived dry seasons before no problem i over watered it at one stage -left hose on , always seemed to like water every few days as its in a warm corner next to the house and doesnt get rain i have always put log fire ash round its roots for ferterliser and wonder if i have washed to many nutriments down to its roots any ideas thanks
Mar 24, 7:23pm
Have a look down at the base of the trunk - what is the bark looking like! Also , dig a bit of soil up a few centimetres out from the trunk and see how moist it actually is.
Mar 24, 7:53pm
Hi i dug all the ash away from it looks fairly damp may have over done the watering in a dry season when i left the hose on by mistake has always fruited and flurished for years .
Mar 24, 8:22pm
It might have been infected by Lemon Borers. Check up the main stems for holes in the trunk. Tell tail signs of borer are fresh small piles of fine sawdust around a main trunk stem. Lemon borer can drill into the main stem and work it way down the tree eating the heart out of the trunk.
May 31, 1:17pm
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Jun 1, 8:03pm
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