Lemon tree leaves

buddytom, Feb 22, 11:14pm
the leaves on my lemon tree are rolling together lengthways, is this a signof too much water or not enough or what else is causing this problem TIA

kateley, Feb 22, 11:36pm
have you unrolled one!Sometimes there's a caterpillar in there!

grouch, Feb 23, 12:59am
Lack of water or maybe the wind has damaged it. Usually when I see that I give a good water.

stevee6, Feb 23, 1:29am
Agree - it needs a good soak, then a load of compost as a mulch on the roots(don't let it touch the bark).

hanmer, Feb 23, 9:16am
exactly what i did tonight!orange tree looked a bit sad so gave it three full watering cans.will do it now for abt a week so as to restore it back to a healthy looking tree.

cantabman1, Feb 23, 9:41am
Lemons need lots of sun ,water and citrus food to grow well.

firob, Feb 23, 12:00pm
How much thinning should a lemon tree get ! I have been told the branches should be thinned so a bird could fly through the tree. The fruit dont grow to a great size & are not really prolific. the tree could be around 15yrs, In Ch-Ch so is covered for frosts in the winter.

dibble35, Feb 23, 7:39pm
Leaf roller caterpillar goes for citrus this time of year, we've got it on ours at work

cantabman1, Feb 23, 11:22pm
I like to think of prunning a lemon tree to shape,as holding both your hands as if to grip a big ball, with your fingerd spread wide apart. Then shape your lemonsimularly allowing air to circulate through the tree.

liggy2, Feb 24, 1:20am
A good dose of epsom salts and a couple of bottles of coca cola poured round it will work wonders.

mardi5, Feb 25, 12:25am
I have that on my Kaffir lime and it is roller catepillarunroll and squash or spray

mybooks, Mar 22, 1:10pm
Clipping the fruit off to use is about all the trimming/pruning a citrus tree needs usually.