Lemon Tree. We have a lemon tree in the garden approx 15yrs the majority of the fruit is quite small however when the fruit does
Mar 31, 11:22pm
WE have a lemon tree in the garden ( approx 15yrs ) the majority of the fruit is quite small however when the fruit does mature the lemons have very thick skins. Any ideas what causes this/ remedy to solve this problem. Cheers
Apr 1, 12:29am
needs feeding and water . if you have a little boy get him to pee around it . it might not fix the skins but you should get bigger fruit
Apr 1, 3:05am
It may just be the variety it is. or if the skin is quite thick and knobbly it is vericossis - thats spelt wrong sorry
Apr 1, 12:59pm
If it is that variety you can also eat the skins just as they are, they are beautiful.
Apr 1, 3:25pm
As we all know, it has been the summer that keeps on giving. Normally, most fruit trees need little watering, as their systen has goog roots to seek out the moisture in the soil. However citrus in particular needs constant watering, and feeding with a citrus based fert, twice a year. A good mulch around the base, or some grass clippings will help as well.
Apr 1, 3:28pm
Its ok to do this sometimes, but overdoing it will result in too much nitrogen, with the tree not producing good fruit and sulking.The secret is finding a chemical balance.
May 7, 7:10am
Tea leaves work wonders when placed around the base of the tree.
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