Telephone wire cutting across my section, who $$?

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j_fung9007, Oct 5, 11:26pm
Just bought a new section, thinking of building a kitset garage in the corner but there is a telephone cable cutting across the corner of my section from the street pole to neighbour's house.

My question is -who is responsible for the cost of relocating this cable? I rung Chrous and they are quoting me $2400 for the job?! This can't be real right? I thought anything outside the house is the network/providers' responsibility?

jonners2013, Oct 5, 11:28pm
You want it moved, you pay. What's unfair about that?

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 5, 11:55pm
Ummmm, it crosses their property and interferes with their plans in order to benefit a neighbour?

The neighbour should pay.

tintop, Oct 6, 12:33am
Ask Chorus - What is the situation where a service connection crosses another property.

Can they do this as of right ?
What legislation gives them this right?

Or do they have to have an easement to do so ?

Or did someone make a cock up when the connection went in and just guessed where the boundary was.

j_fung9007, Oct 6, 12:41am
They are taking shortcuts, instead of going right angle / around, they ran the cable in the shortest route (by cutting across people's sections).

At the end of the day is my section, I don't see why I have to pay extra for a cable that is hanging across over my section just because they can't be bothered or cutting cost.

tintop, Oct 6, 12:56am
I agree - but finding out the respective rights is the first step. It may well be that the previous owner gave permission, or that the network owner can do that as of right.

j_fung9007, Oct 6, 12:57am
ok, thanks tintop. I will email Chorus. "hopefully"-
; I get something out of it.

survivalkiwi, Oct 6, 1:00am
Is there an easement on the title?
If not it is not your problem.

tintop, Oct 6, 1:03am
Use the term 'aerial trespass'

It is one of the terms lines companies understand.

j_fung9007, Oct 6, 1:12am
There is nothing on the title.

"Aerial trespass". I like that!

goldywing, Oct 6, 5:44pm
and throw Taonga into the mix as well lol

fordcrzy, Oct 6, 8:02pm
if theres an easement on your plans then you pay. if not then just dig it up and carry on with your foundation work. chorus can repair the illegally laid cable

tintop, Oct 6, 8:07pm
Need a tall; ladder to dig it up! lol

smallwoods, Oct 6, 8:17pm
Yep, be digging for a while.

fordcrzy, Oct 6, 11:29pm
ah sorry thought it was underground. just send chorus a stern email saying if they dont move it in 2 weeks its getting ripped down as its illegally across your property. any power/communications and storm water pipes must have an easement on your title. if anyone wants to put anything across/over your property they have to get consent to do so . if its not on your property file then its gotta go. We accidentally dug up the phone line for the whole street when doing some driveway work. they trid to sting us for thousands for digging it up but because it was INSIDE our boundary and only 150mm below ground level i told them to have $3x and travel. never heard from them again.

tintop, Oct 6, 11:45pm
lol - yes it is a bit 'up in the air' you could say. :)

raven71, Oct 7, 12:16am
Yeah, I think the rules are that a cable like that can't intrude even 1 mm into your property without an easement.

soxxy, Oct 7, 12:23am
If the easment was already with the property details when one bought it, how can it be removed. Is it possible?

strathview, Oct 7, 2:11am
I looked out the lounge window a few weeks back to find Chorus/Downers digging in my flower garden in the corner by the street. Turns out the new house in the back section next door was getting broadband which had never been done when the property was built. I wandered out to ask what exactly were they doing. Got an apology as they were not meant to be on my property or digging up my garden and because I caught them in the act they had to then cut the concrete driveway next door and the concrete footpath outside our fence so they could laid the cable and hook it all up. Found out later quite by accident that there is what I think is a telephone cable already laid across the corner of our section. Such a shame I just happened to be digging out dahlias with a sharp spade. Nice prickly rose there now. Our title has no easements so all good. The most amusing thing was there were five Chorus vans parked up with the staff all looking down next doors driveway and then there were two trucks from Downers who cut the concrete etc. This went on for a week and they still have not tidied up the mess.

underconstructy, Oct 7, 3:27am
What? Be serious.

underconstructy, Oct 7, 3:30am
I've read some be on these forums, but this one takes the cake!

tintop, Oct 7, 3:41am
You have something to offer that will solve the problem ?

fordcrzy, Oct 7, 4:14am
dont ASK chorus if you can have it moved. DEMAND that they move it

tintop, Oct 7, 4:26am
Agreed, but it may just happen the it is legally there.
I have a feeling that the old P&T may have had different rights than Chorus has now. That is why I suggested to the op contact Chorus to find the legal status of the line.

bergkamp, Oct 7, 4:29am
what height is it ?