I have an alarm that is currently monitored by a useless company that frankly just takes $46 a month off me for nothing. Does anyone know a Securities Systems company in West Auckland that could make my alarm go to my phone if it goes off so I can monitor it myself? TIA.
Jul 23, 5:32pm
Plenty of companies will do quality monitoring for around half what you currently pay. But not all alarms can go your phone. It would depend on the brand etc.
Jul 23, 6:48pm
Any alarm installation company can add a module to your alarm to either email you via your currently internet connection or text / call you (by having an addition SIM card) if it were to go off.
Jul 24, 6:42pm
The critical thing about a monitored alarm is what action is taken if the alarm goes off. If all you get is a notification that your alarm has sounded and one of their reps will be there within 10 minutes, it makes bugger all difference as to whether you know about it or not. It just reduces annoyance to the neighbours because it will be turned off sooner.
Jul 24, 7:16pm
woud need a dialer installed at alarm panel to ring your cell phone if it goes off. would likely depend on age and brand of alarm.
Jul 27, 7:33pm
Dialers are awesome, ours ring up 10 times(up to 3 dominated phone numbers) sound a tone over the phone and then silence while waiting for acknowledgement. most monitoring companies do is ring you if it goes off, if they need to attend then kiss approx $70 goodbye.but if your alarm is going off alot then getting it fixed would be the ideal solution. We use sensor for animals so no false alarms for the last 3 years.Already had jack for dialer on it. Never had dialer ring as led on exterior siren on all the time seems to be a good deterrent Yes we do test occasionally. .
Jul 28, 6:57am
I've worked in the security industry and am registered as a security consultant and technician. Consensus of opinion is that when you move beyond the deterrent factor that an alarm activation will present to an intruder it is all about response. The knowledge that your alarm has been activated is of no use to you if you aren't within a 10 minutes??
Jul 28, 6:58am
Jul 29, 4:51pm
That's some solid advice there from sr2.
Jul 29, 5:08pm
What about moving from a copper landline to a cellphone based telephone system, how much does it cost (generally) to upgrade the alarm? any one know.
Jul 29, 7:43pm
Not necessarily. My parents have a good alarm system and all they do is ring, or try and get a hold of someone else who can go check. No one has shown up yet to check the place. It does go off every now and again randomly but they don't know that.
Jul 31, 4:28am
You can get GSM modules or IP modules for fairly cheap nowadays, circa 100-300.
Jul 31, 2:14pm
This is my problem with the monitoring - I was unable to answer the phone once when it went off as I was in hospital and the second person on my list of who to phone was with me so the alarm company didn't send anyone or do anything until I got their message about 3 hours later and phoned them back. What was the point then of monitoring? They did apologise when I complained but too bad my whole house could have been emptied by then! I can get home from work in about 15 minutes which is when it would be most likely to go off. (I have to say it's only ever been my cat who set it off).
Nov 6, 11:41am
The monitoring station will only do what it says on their instructions for your site. If send a guard is not listed after call keyholders then they wont send a guard. So either your action list is set up wrong or your monitoring service failed you.
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