Just got home to find this!:(

nesta129, Jun 17, 5:10am
Looks like the hot water relief valve is leaking,carpet wet and so is insulation!
https://trademe.tmcdn.co.nz/photoserver/full/390734231.jpg https://trademe.tmcdn.co.nz/photoserver/full/390734196.jpg

Last thing I needed was this as I finished off paying mortgage,bills.

Does anyone know any good but cheap plumbers in south auckland preferably Otahuhu area?(know its a long shot to find a good but CHEAP plumber)

johotech, Jun 17, 5:34am
It looks like it will just be the flashing on the overflow pipe on the outside of the roof that is leaking. Quite common for the old lead flashing to become detached from the pipe.

bill1451, Jun 17, 5:49am
Yup flashing on roof leaking, but check overflow pipe on outside as releif valve is probably leaking out vent and running through hole in flashing,
Check with a pair of binoculars if u have some, you, ll notice water on pipe shiny, glistening.

nesta129, Jun 17, 6:35am
Thanks for the replies guys.I just checked the outside overflow pipe and theres no leaking,whatsoever.

nesta129, Jun 17, 6:38am
My near scary midnight climb onto the roof from a stack of tyres. scary.However it revealed this.
The pipe was not wet at all.

So that plate is the flashing?
Any idea or guesstimate how much it would cost to fix?

johotech, Jun 17, 6:39am
It will leak sometime and not others. That's normal from the expansion of the water when it is heated.

There's probably nothing wrong with your hot water system. It is just the flashing of the pipe above the roof that is leaking. It will leak when it is raining as well.

It looks like it has been like that for quite a long time.

nesta129, Jun 17, 6:46am
Is the relief valve meant to release water but not back through the roof,the flashing is there to stop it leaking back into the roof,right?
It may have leaked before but I have not realised it.However I realised this when I heard the dripping water.
And there many drips,its much more than a slow leak.


budgel, Jun 17, 3:11pm
Interesting that there is no roofing underlay.

If the leak is around the pipe itself rather than the tin flashing, a small dektite fitting will fix it for not a lot of money.


johotech, Jun 17, 3:40pm
So you can see on the roof that the water has been overflowing some time before you went up there.

The flashing doesn't look to bad from the photo, but it looks like it has already been repaired before.

The only place the water can come from is the pipe, so either the flashing is still leaking or it could be that the pipe has cracked somewhere around where it goes through the roof.

From the photos, it has been leaking for some time, but now it must be getting worse and you noticed it.

So back to your original question about finding a plumber.

tezw1, Jun 18, 1:16am
Roofing underlay wasn't required as its concrete tile.
Not sure if you can use a dektite on a concrete tile either, check with a plumber.

gabbysnana, Jun 18, 1:42am
In the interim get a tube or two of sealant and go crazy. Looks like water is getting under the flashing.

budgel, Jun 18, 1:45am
My mistake, I thought they were metal tiles.

A dektite would be fine if the metal flashing itself is ok.

nesta129, Jun 18, 1:52am
Hi there,guys. thanks for all your advice.Got a plumber to look and fix the flashing and upon checking the piping from under the roof saw that the pipe had a split in it,thus the leak.
So Jonotech was right about a crack in the pipe.
All sorted now,sooo happy:)

easygoer, Jun 18, 6:04am
I have used a dektite to seal the range hood vent on my concrete tile roof, it is a seal designed for that purpose

goodbooks, Dec 12, 11:53am
Good job done.