Ceiling tiles - anyone replaced damaged ones?

marrsy, Nov 28, 9:02pm
I've got a small section of ceiling tiles that are water damaged after a leak. Leak is all sorted and I'd like to replace the ceiling tiles until I get enough money to rip them all down and replace the entire ceiling.

I've measured the tiles and they don't seem to be measuring a set size (61cm L x 30.5 W). The listings on TradeMe are mostly sitting at 60x30. Does anyone have experience replacing these? Even if I do find ones that fit, I'm not even sure how I go about replacing them. Do they slot together?

newtec1, Nov 28, 9:09pm
Are you talking about acoustic tile.You will find the imperial will probably be 610 but in metric it will be 600.And yes you can take them out individualy by using a very sharp blade along the edge because when they are installed they have a tongue and groove system to lock them in place. if you can start from one side you can take them all out by each row with out damaging them,but just one will need to be cut out.

newtec1, Nov 28, 9:11pm
If you have a look at one not installed it will become self explanatary how the groove system works.

stevo2, Nov 28, 9:24pm
You have the old imperial sized tiles 24"x12". Extremely hard to find.
Try all the demo yards in your area.

survivalkiwi, Nov 28, 9:49pm
Pull them down. Put new ceiling battens up and gib board then stop and paint.

marrsy, Nov 28, 9:54pm
Typical! Renovations are never easy. Thanks for that info, might just have to live with them until I can replace the entire ceiling.

marrsy, Nov 28, 9:54pm
That's the plan but the budget doesnt allow for that to happen right now.

marrsy, Nov 28, 9:57pm
Thank you, very helpful. One is already sagging from the water damage so that one will come out easily. Just didn't want to pull it out to discover it was going to be a professional job to replace them. I thought they might be a form of tongue and groove connection.

maddie44, Nov 28, 10:11pm
How many do you need?
Could you take some out of a small room like the toilet or even out of wardrobes and then gib only those small areas

golfdiver, Nov 29, 12:44am
Yep this

chippy06, Jul 16, 5:40pm
Try your insurance