Pot plant thevies!

dfd1, Jan 24, 3:06am
We live on a busy road . front area exposed. were out for aprox 4 hrs came home to our three terracotta pots planted up with shaped balls. and a cane basket with a white impatient plant inside it. all gone taken in broad daylight . very p. off. lowlifes . were either watching us go out out and had checked out things before hand. (Northshore)

thea4, Jan 24, 3:11am
If that happens always check the local markets.
A friend had all their plants taken a few years ago and a neighbour spotted them at a market.they got most back.
Lousy low life beings

dfd1, Jan 24, 3:35am
Thanks for that. what market did she find them at.

koru67, Jan 24, 4:52am
or look for them for sale on trade me

dfd1, Jan 24, 5:50am
Yes thanks. will be keeping a look out.

thea4, Jan 28, 6:03am
sorry ii was in Victoria

oh_hunnihunni, Jan 28, 6:49am
Funny thing - this thread gave me a nightmare last night. I dreamed I was chasing a dark coloured ute up the drive laden with my pots.

dfd1, Jan 28, 7:37am
Oh dear. no more nightmares for you I hope. its bad enough me going out thinking I'm being watch all the time.

sinclairsouth, Jan 28, 8:59am
I hope they didn't get Pearl! How did she do for you? My tuber from you is starting to sprout so it's all good!

poppy2005, Jan 28, 6:13pm
When I was living in Remuera, I got home from work one day to find all of the old fashioned roses gone out of my front garden. they just dug the entire 6 foot tall plants out and took the whole lot in broad daylight.

dfd1, Jan 28, 6:34pm
Poppy2005. That is day light robbery. ! Can't believe no one saw that happening! ( neighbours etc)

janbodean, Jan 28, 6:43pm
We had our drive gate stolen ( solid) and all the fittings when we had to move out because of the quakes. The neighbor rung to describe the whole incident ( white ute two guys thirty minute operation etc ) and when I asked her for the registration plate number she hadn't bothered to take it. The police could not believe it and neither could I. By the way we never got it back.

dfd1, Jan 28, 7:47pm
Has anyone out in security cameras . we are looking into it. ?

poppy2005, Jan 28, 8:03pm
Nobody saw a thing . I recon it was one of the neighbours who did it.

trade4us2, Aug 18, 6:24am
I have a video of a guy stealing a couple of large gates after a house was removed. He came back twice on other nights to steal timber and metal. I found out where he lives, from the car he was selling on TM. The police were not interested. The property owner didn't seem interested. There's a new house and gate there now.