Removing Onehunga weed - how to?

digmen1, Jan 31, 8:00pm
I have a couple of small patches of Onehunga weed in my lawn.

All the websites I have looked at say spray them.

But what about hand weeding?

I have pulled out a few bunches easily.

Has anyone here done this successfully - if you pull them out with the roots will they come back next year?

singing1, Jan 31, 8:19pm
100mm of concrete over the whole area. Works every time.

ange164, Jan 31, 8:27pm
hand weeding works. as long as you're diligent; because the seed stays viable in the ground for 7 years.The one's you've pulled out won't come back, no. But the hundreds of other seeds potentially in the ground may well do.

digmen1, Jan 31, 10:08pm
So I have to be diligent and hand weed for 7 years ?

kiwiguy47, Jan 31, 10:45pm
just spray so easy

wheelz, Jan 31, 10:53pm
Go ahead and hand pull . If you've nothing better to do.
But as stated earlier, it's already set seed and been spread around ready to germinate in autumn.
One spray in spring, usually October, is so much easier and quicker. Plus you hit other lawn weeds at the same time. I use Weed and Feed.

mojo49, Feb 1, 1:05am
20th century gardeners adage. "One year's seeds is seven year's weeds" Not for gorse though. Those seeds can remain viable for 50 years. I hope you enjoy weeding.

spiritofgonzo, Feb 1, 1:10am
Listen to these naysayers. "Spray spray spray. Too hard to weed". If its a small lawn it's quite easy to weed out as you have been. Just keep an eye out every year and pull any new bits out. Spraying wont stop them coming back any better than weeding . in fact, if anything it's the opposite.

nzdoug, Feb 1, 1:12pm
Definitely pull them out then spray in early October if in the Auckland area.
I use the prickle kill stuff with the child pulling prickles out of his foot on the label.

mottly, Feb 1, 11:26pm
Just stop mowing the lawn so low. It dies if the grass gets longer.

charie4, Aug 4, 4:47am
Use the prickly weed spray as it is specifically designed to kill Onehunga weed.