Fejoa trees

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xs1100, Aug 22, 8:39am
how long do they normally take to produce fruit and do they grow in Waikato very well and do you just source from a garden centre

r.g.nixon, Aug 22, 8:46am
Ours in Palmy - one year.

cinderellagowns, Aug 22, 8:59am
Mine (Auckland) - two years for a few fruit, third for a more substantial crop. Bought named variety from garden centre. Chose 3 actually, selected on their fruiting time- ie chose one early season fruiter, one mid season and one later to extend my feijoa eating opportunities!. Also chose three to up the cross pollination and in increase crop size.
My aunty had awesome feijoa trees in Cambridge so yes, I suppose Waikato must suit them.

xs1100, Aug 22, 9:21am
cheers how about madarins would also like one of them

melonhead1, Aug 22, 9:39am
Do they grow in Waikato? Hell yes, like weeds!

xs1100, Aug 23, 5:32am
cheers melonhead

fantail8, Aug 23, 6:22am
you will need a second feijoa tree as even the "self fertile" one fruit way better with a cross pollinator

paora-tm, Aug 23, 7:25am
Crikey, you're keen. By the time our same variety trees have finished fruiting I'm absolutely sick of them.

xs1100, Aug 23, 9:40am
hahaha yes I think 2 will do me and a mandarin tree

xs1100, Aug 23, 9:42am
tamarillo tree in Waikato anyone

aloha3, Aug 23, 10:02am
tamarillo trees don't like the frost

xs1100, Aug 23, 10:08am
dammit so what else then. I love fruit but not waiting 20 yrs (b dead) for a plum tree or apple tree

jenny188, Aug 23, 10:19am
Franklin , South Auckland ?. Feijoa- should fruit from 2 to 7 year old. 2 if bought from a nursery and 5 to 7 if grown from seed to full fruiting. Tamerilo from 2 years on. Need very light frost (coastal or less0. 1/2 variety's of feijoa's are self pollinating , other 1/2 need male / female cross pollination. See your nearest nursery for guidance.

kateley, Aug 24, 4:22am
My feijoas fruited after a couple of years, blackboy peach fruited 3rd year and I grew it from a pip. Mandarin fruited from first year but took about 3 years to have a decent crop. Blueberries also had a few fruit the first year but 3 or 4 until useful amount.
I can't imagine any tree you buy from Garden Centre would take 20 years.

kam04, Aug 24, 10:06pm
We don't with our 'selfie'. We have only one tree and we have an abundance of fruit every year.

coop19, Aug 25, 9:43pm
Have you tried persimmon? They are the best fruit of all and grow like weeds here in the Waikato. Fuyu is the type to try. I have grown them for over 20 yrs comprising a couple of shifts through the area. Not bothered by frosts, and we have had plenty of those. Self fertilizing so I have never had more than one tree at one time and still get plenty of fruit.

tessnjess, Aug 26, 1:42am
Never! :)

cinderellagowns, Aug 26, 5:51am
Oh I never get sick of feijoas! My three plants are still young so am looking forward to the challenge of keeping up with them when they RELLY start producing!
And I am getting a persimmon tree from a friend this weekend so I am heartened by the news that they are relatively easy to grow too.

shan4, Aug 26, 7:59am
Do you need to plant the two feijoa trees next to each other? What about Wellington do they grow well down here?

fhpottery, Aug 27, 6:26am
Ive planted 52 fruit trees on my lifestyle block in the King Country, Funny but after three years Ive got limes, pears, apples, grapes, loquats, mandarins, grapes, quince, oranges , grapefruit,feijoas, plums , apples. They are all fine despite bad frost. I live in Opunake now, and have feijoas, tamarillos. Frost free here. My friends have bananas even. I think shelter is important, and good soils and adequate water in dry season. Fert too if possible. The cows liked the apples during the drought.

wine-o-clock, Aug 27, 8:52am
please name the varieties in this thread, so i can research them

venna2, Aug 27, 11:07pm
I am growing a tamarillo tree in Wellington. After covering it when the temperature is due to drop below 5 degrees overnight, it is fruiting nicely.

Tagan is the best feijoa variety I've had. Kawatiri is also great. But new varieties are coming out all the time.

venna2, Aug 27, 11:09pm
Close enough for the birds to fly easily between them. Ideally so that they're just touching when fully grown. I have several feijoa trees in Wellington.

curlybear446, Aug 28, 8:28am
If your neighbours have a feijoa tree you won't need two.

vinylflooring, Aug 31, 8:41am
I bought 10 Feijoa trees from the warehouse about five years ago at the time they were only 20cm high & on the label on the trees it said they were grown from seed, someone told me because they are grown from seed they won't fruit for 5-7 years but they were producing good size fruit in 3 years trees are all around 6 foot high now & because they were grown from seed there is all kinds of shapes & sizes of fejoas, very happy they were grown from seed because some of the trees fruit very early in the season & some late, each tree has a completely different tasting Feijoa from the next tree haha