need to be planted in pairs.? I have a small one ready to go in and hubby was told they need company. Sounds odd to me.
Apr 18, 7:17pm
No it will be fine on it's own, but planted in groups they look great
Apr 19, 1:59am
hope your neighbors are not beekeepers. they may not be happy.
Apr 19, 2:07am
Why don't bees like Kowhai ?
Apr 19, 2:57am
We have single Kowhai trees growing bell birds love them haven't notice bees around
Apr 19, 3:38am
some of the sub-species of Kowhai are toxic to bees.
Apr 19, 10:48pm
Tui's love them but so do borer ours is 5years old and full of it have tried to save it but looks like the borer are winning.
Apr 19, 11:28pm
My kowhai self seeds which I love so I pot up any small seedlings & will use them for riparian planting on the farm.
Apr 19, 11:31pm
The Bee Industry group of Federated Farmers. (Quoted by the Waikato Domestc Beekeepers Association) say the weeping kowhai is Ok for bees. Other sources just referred "'yellow Kowhai", as killing bees under some circumstances, (temperature amongst others) which is hardly helpful.
I too was thinking of planting another kowhai, so thanks for the info tweake I will make a careful choice.
Jan 30, 2:45am
We have now planted our small tree. The main point was to bring the tuis to our garden. We have 2 wooden boxes close by with wine bottles filled with syrup and the tuis are coming to drink that.
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