How to get a stainless steel bench top shiny?

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trade4us2, Oct 23, 12:23am
A major part of my job is making metal parts and polishing them.
for example:

The new brass lid that I made (on the left) was sanded with 1200 grit emery paper before a final polish.

nfh1, Oct 24, 3:54am
There is a powder called something like Barkeeper's Friend - have seen it in the supermarkets here - used to use it in the UK - excellent for cleaning stainless steel.

naturalkiwi, Oct 24, 3:53pm
I've always used Jif or a cheap cream cleaner - but NO water.rub the jif in, leave it to dry, then polish it off thoroughly with a clean cloth.It's magic.If you use water with the Jif it doesn't come up well at all.I learned this trick while working for a cleaning company in my teens, and I've never forgotten it!

suecopland, Nov 15, 4:01pm
Use dishwasher powder and a damp cloth,
Then polish with a dry towel after rinsing.
This never fails.

carlosjackal, Nov 15, 6:41pm
+1 million!Polaris is the best thing to use IMO, then wash gently with some soapy water, wipe dry and then use 3M stainless steel revivor. Stainless steel comes up like brand new!

frier, Nov 15, 8:42pm
Good oldJohnson's baby oil, I'm a professional cleaner, works beautifully.

thedevil1, Nov 16, 6:33pm
true naturalkiwi. i used the pink cream stuff my wife bought. windowlene i think. polished up stainless motel units great

jude343, Nov 16, 11:53pm
domestos or Handy Andy apply then rinse off, and dry with soft cloth.
If you want a shiny surface apply a little meths, or white vinegar and dry

matthews4, Nov 17, 12:13am
When we had a motel, we cleaned the showers, then dried them.Later rubbed them over with meths, and they came uplovely - time to do mine here now, after this reminder.Hubby used to do the wet cleaning in the Motel owner days, and I did the linen and beds, and laundry.

jameskelly, Jun 4, 9:16pm
You may buy high grade 304 Stainless Steel benches here -