Painting over powder coated steel.

maclad, Nov 13, 9:56pm
I have purchased, off TM, a table with powder coated legs which I wish to paint, is it the same as any paint job, sand, undercoat, two top coats or do I need to some thing else. I have some left over sola guard paint I thought I may use. Thanks.

happychappy50, Nov 13, 10:12pm
Make sure it the power coating is sanded or has a surface that will accept a coating over it,paint will ONLY stick if it has something to stick too.personally I would'nt be using solar guard,something like an enamel would work . Good luck

maclad, Nov 13, 10:26pm
OK taken on board, only suggested solaguard as I have it left over, thanks, what undercoat would be best or do I need one at all as paint is in good condition, just wrong colour.

zak410, Nov 13, 10:41pm
You need a good primer/sealer for good adhesion.

For example:

tintop, Nov 13, 10:43pm
Ring up the help line for for the Solarguard ( Wattyl?)

They will give you the best advice.

sanders4, Aug 1, 5:47am
We have painted a number of powder coated aluminium windows around our house and used an etch primer followed by 2 or 3 coats of solvent based enamel paint . Solargard is good on walls but not furniture in my opinion. Windows still look good after 10 years weather in salt zone.