How to get a stainless steel bench top shiny?

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datoofairy, Oct 21, 6:23pm
I have a stainless steel bench top. Its really old and looks dull no matter how hard I clean it.I've tried lots of Jiff and a pot scrub,with lots of elbow grease, and they helps a little, but I'd love to get it looking really shiny. Is this even possible on an old bench top!Is there anything I can use on it to get it lookinggood again!

aragorn2003, Oct 21, 6:32pm
You can use a product like Autosol Polisher (Mitre 10 have it) or you can buy Chemico from the supermarket , it's in a pink tub in the laundry cleaner isle

majoba, Oct 21, 6:35pm
Or Polaris stainless steel reviver, also in the supermarket.

supernova2, Oct 21, 7:03pm
Chemico is the best we have found unless you know a car painter who could come along with his buff and cutting compound.

trade4us2, Oct 21, 7:34pm
If it's proper stainless steel (instead of chrome plated steel) then I use fine emery paper and water.

eljayv, Oct 21, 7:52pm
Domestos - just spread it on the surface then rinse off.Works like magic

ayjay1, Oct 21, 8:30pm
Where can we buy that please eljayv!

max10, Oct 21, 8:49pm
mag wheel polish.fromRepco or super cheap

rojill, Oct 21, 10:02pm
To get it looking almost as new, call on your local Sheetmetal Fabricator / company.

They have to deal with this situation daily in polishing up stainless sheet, so ask them for advice.
They may be prepared to call around and power buff it up for you. Shouldn't take them long to do.
They will have all the gear.
You will be pleased with the result compared with trying to do the job yourself with domestic products and depending on the quality of the bench stainless, it could end up almost mirror like - -just depends how much time you are prepared to Pay / spend on it.
Forget using panel beaters.

ustr28, Oct 21, 10:41pm
Be careful, because highly polishing stainless steel with a window near your bench top then makes the bench top hard to be around. You would need to wear sun glasses to look at it.

gabbysnana, Oct 22, 12:16am

52many, Oct 22, 1:03am
Have you tried glass cleaner! We used to use this in commercial cleaning.

tonijo, Oct 22, 1:10am
I use Waterspot - bought via Trademe.Just did my kitchen sink yesterday - comes up really well with a bit of elbow grease.

trade4us2, Oct 22, 1:15am
All the others are wrong. Use 1200 grit emery paper.

rusty29, Oct 22, 1:19am
yes Polaris brilliant

auburn4, Oct 22, 5:04am
Have used the Autosol Metal Polish with great success. Also spilled some ceramic stove top cleaner on my bench and that shone the stainless steel bench too.

samsara11, Oct 22, 6:37am
Neat Dettol.Pour it on and rub it off with a soft cloth

mrfxit, Oct 22, 2:38pm
LMAO good GRIEF ppl, it's a blimin bench top, not a show & tell display table.

Soapy steelo pads/ add some extra detergent & minimal water & scrub hard to start with THEN lightly.

Don't use pot scrubbers or stainless steel Steelo pads etc.
All you will do there is add in a few more gouges & scratches to the surface.

eljayv, Oct 22, 3:52pm
Supermarkets stock Domestos and it will sanitise at the same time.I think it is hospital grade.

crackerjack19, Oct 22, 7:25pm
To polish any surface you need an abrasive. The higher the polish required the finer (smaller) the size of the abrasive particles. One of the finest abrasives that we use domestically is toothpaste, (not gel but the paste). When jewelers want to polish Gem stones they use jewelers rouge. Ladies believe it or not face powder can also be used as an abrasive, but like as been said before beware of getting too high a polish it may be more than you can comfortably bear.

waikatoboy, Oct 22, 8:16pm
I was shown how to do it this way by an old navy man, and you know how fussy they can be.

springtime, Oct 22, 8:46pm
Interesting . my mum couldn't wait until her benchtop dulled a bit.In front of a window,the glare was too much in summertime and she had sunglasses kept by the benchtop

pauldw, Oct 22, 9:05pm
Using bleach can cause pitting on stainless steel. "Don't use chlorine bleach in your stainless steel sink, as chlorine will attack the protective layer that makes stainless steel truly stainless. The risk of damage is proportional to the concentration of the chlorine and the duration of exposure between the sink and the chlorine agent."

rainrain1, Oct 22, 11:39pm
steelo soap pads

datoofairy, Oct 22, 11:43pm
Wow, so many replies and options to try. Thanks very much everyone :o)