Hi there, Anyone got tips to removes scratches from the from door surface of stainless steel f&p fridge? My sons had a lot of fun using it as a road for his cars to drive on!
Aug 24, 10:29am
"While scratch-removal is often best left to the experts, small scratches can often be removed with a simple home remedy – simply apply a thin layer of toothpaste to the small scratches and buff gently with a toothbrush. This gets off superficial and small surface scratches like a charm".
From a Bosch website for care of stainless steel appliances.
Aug 24, 10:33am
That's what they designed fridge magnets for.
Aug 24, 10:35am
Here's one you could try from Ms Google - How do you remove scratches from a stainless steel refrigerator? Try to buff out a minor scratch with a soft bristle toothbrush and whitening toothpaste next. Coat the bristles of the toothbrush with the whitening toothpaste. Use the brush to apply the toothpaste directly to the minor scratch. . Periodically remove wipe away the toothpaste with a wet rag and assess the scratch.
Aug 24, 10:52am
Yup, tried the toothpaste method. No joy i'm afraid.
Aug 24, 10:54am
Ring your insurance company?
Aug 24, 11:13am
Don’t stick to my f and p stainless steel fridge!
Aug 24, 12:35pm
Lol. We use our white f and p fridge as the kitchen whiteboard- just gotta make sure we use whiteboard markers.
Aug 24, 5:17pm
Bought a stainless F&P fridge two years ago. Found the grade of stainless they used is very soft and marks very easy. Not very happy with it. Previous F&P iridium finish much more durable.
Aug 24, 7:16pm
There is a difference in appliances between 'Stainless' and 'Stainless Steel'. Our new Samsung is 'Stainless' and holds a good magnet so can't possibly be Stainless Steel. Even 304 grade shouldn't hold a magnet.
Aug 25, 2:35am
304 does hold a magnet 316 or 318 will not . The Stainless in fridges is just a shit grade .
Aug 25, 4:29am
Most of which rusts.
Aug 25, 4:44am
I was told years ago by a mate in the appliance industry. Buy white as SS shows all scratches.
Aug 25, 4:58am
I wonder why they don't clear coat stainless steel appliances? Cost?
Aug 26, 7:50am
I used 3M Stainless steel polish on mine - it got rid of the worst if the scratches (same thing - kid using it as a race track for a toy - and I dont even have kids - grrrr)
Aug 26, 11:05am
You can also rub over with a soft cloth and WD40. It sounds crazy but it does work. It is actually great stuff for many different uses.
Aug 28, 5:33pm
I polished out some minor rust on the stainless oven using the synthetic versions of steel wool. Started on "0000" which from memory didn't do a lot and went up a grade. In the painting dept of the diy stores. Problem with the fridge is that you might have to do all of it as areas that have been worked on might stick out like dog's balls .
Aug 29, 10:24am
Just get some nice stick on sheets of adhesive stuff and slap it on, wha la a new looking fridge if ya any good. End of
Aug 29, 1:27pm
Stick family pics over them, as is "that ones going on the fridge". From an Ozzie comedy I think ?
Aug 29, 1:33pm
Buy a Tube of Autosol Metal Cleaner from Repco (on special till Sunday - with a Polishing Cloth) and give it a go.
You may be surprised how good Autosol products are! I have used their products for over 60 years
Aug 29, 1:40pm
Yes they are good, but you need to be careful with a brushed stainless finish or you might end up with a shiny patch.
Oct 3, 3:47pm
Sand it and paint it a crazy colour.
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