So what have you done in your garden today?

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freedreamz, Mar 15, 3:18am
I have ripped out all the tired, spent petunia's (sp) and planted pansy seedlings. Have fed all my roses and dead headed them as well, general tidy up. Was nice with it not being so hot.

stevee6, Mar 15, 3:46am
Too dry to do much other than remove weeds and mulch. Saving water for the fruit trees and one bed of winter seedlings.

raewyn64, Mar 15, 3:50am
dug up potatoes last night - got about 5kgs of lovely agria potatoes so am happy with them.

terachaos, Mar 15, 4:20am
I've kinda lost my mojo; not quite sure what to do next. Have pulled out old beans, beetroot, and capsicums that haven't done that well. Definite learning curve for next year though, i.e not to plant stuff so close together:)
Put in egg plant.not hot enough here and planted them too close to tomatoes, and the tomatoes are using the eggplants/plants for support. Wanting to put in lettuce but wonder if it's still too hot!

kaddiew, Mar 15, 4:36am
Topped up the water bowls for the hedghog and birds, decided to leave the veg garden till Spring, and thanked my lucky stars the rest of the gardens are bark mulch and succulents right now.

newpenny1, Mar 15, 5:03am
Weeded dug the hard soil under the bark so when it rain it will onetrte at least.
Water ed what i could eggplants capsicums scalloppini courgettes all doing well when it reached 32 degrees at mid day decided to come inside will try again after dinner my garden is one hectare and even the flaxex are starting to turn up their toes.

matthews4, Mar 15, 5:35am
Swept up my weedmat paths between my Square Foot garden beds, picked another basket of tomato = some caspicum.Tidied the rhubarb.forgot to pick the beans = will do tomorrow.Took our shower water out in buckets, to water beans , toms, and capsicum, and silverbeet.Thing corn is done, so will pull out and feed to stock over the weekend.A bit of a struggle with the drought, but still coping.Have put pipe on water outlets from washing machine, to send that water down the paddock.At least the nights have been a bit cooler this week, near Waihi.Rain dance hasn't worked up here yet.

dibble35, Mar 15, 6:41am
I divided up my strawberries and planted them in my new vertical strawberry planter. made from a hot water cylinder outer, neighbours must think i'm strange making that, it should look fabulous once the strawberries plants grow a bit and its fruiting again. It sits quite nicely between the 2 garages in what has always been a useless bit of space. Yesterday I pulled out the basil plants and planted lettuce and dwarf beans. Emptied the compost bin and shifted it out of the way, planted 3 rhubarb plants, trimmed the boysenberry. Replaced rotting timber on my raised vege garden, and started another green manure crop. I was busy.

figjamto, Mar 15, 7:48am
Nothing today.but did a little bit ofweeding and deadheading.and a "guilty" water last night, but then again I had not done it for a week.with this drought going on

lythande1, Mar 15, 6:51pm
Picked the pumpkins, pulled out peas, started seed for leeks, onions, caulisand swede.
Tomatoes still going, unknown plant roaring away - may be another pumpkin - it grew itself so not sure yet.
Picked Basil, preserved most other veges now.

reggienz, Mar 15, 7:09pm
Ripped out corn, froze 62 cobs, pulled out turnips, and butter beans, forked over the garden and got any weeds. Planted brocolli, silverbeet and caulis and planted a packet of broad beans. Picked another bucket full of runnerbeans sliced and froze. Luckily we can still water the gardens here, so soil is in workable condition.

oh_hunnihunni, Mar 15, 7:17pm
Mulched. And prayed for rain.

freedreamz, Mar 15, 7:28pm
I really do feel sorry for all on water restrictions, we have our own bore, so water at this stage isnt a problem. Going to plant my poly's today, then try to work out how to keep my chooks out of the garden, bloody things, as soon as I plug a hole in the fence they find another.

rainrain1, Mar 15, 9:26pm
pulled cabbage leaves and chickweed for the chooks, sprayed wet and forget, watered the tomatoes

tigra, Mar 15, 9:56pm
dibs - I plan to make a vertical climber for my strawbs this year, but was thinking of using large diameterplastic spouting. Hopefully it will look tidier than a HWC outer (got to keep the missus happy) What did you use for a grolwing media!

freedreamz, Mar 16, 3:05am
Have planted my poly's went to check veg garden to find the new cauli I planted are covered in whitebutterfly eggs .grrrr, will dih wash water sprayed on them work to keep them from hatching or being laid on again!

kateley, Mar 16, 3:07am
I just read yesterday that white butterflies hate mint, so you could try making a minty spray for your cauli.

harrislucinda, Mar 16, 4:43am
so muchfor thatwhenihavewhitebutterfliessittingonmymint

stevee6, Mar 16, 4:46am
Made two jars of applesauce from my Red Delicious apples, and plan to make another two jars. Tree is 2/3 bowed to the ground loaded with apples. No idea how to get it growing up straight again!

accroul, Mar 16, 5:00am
Pruned the Elderberry, moved plants from raised garden, removed dirt from raised garden, moved raised garden, put dirt & plants back in raised garden. Removed wizzled up bromeliads from other garden patches, put some pups in a pot, removed good sized ones to under a tree & the rest to 'the pile'. Removed DH's bits of pipe (steel) to behind the garage so I can't see them, removed boarders from 4 sections of garden & put them on another 'pile'. Moved a potted ponytail palm from one side of the garden to the other, chucked some citrus fertiliser on the lemon & mandarin, pulled out some straggly swan plants that were covered in aphids & put that in the compost. I think that covers it - just about beer time now.

canz, Mar 16, 5:11am
I don't know what color white butterfly caterpillars are , but I have heaps of mint, and its covered in fat green caterpillars, they are munching there way through it all about 1/5 square mtr patch.a garlic spray is always a good get, nothing much likes garlic .
the person that started this three, i was reading the other day that roses love the occasional mulch of used coffee grounds, so if you live near starbucks, ask then for some. Apparently you put about 2.5 cm mulch around your roses. Don't redo until the last lot have turned into soil, but its a real tonic for roses.
Today I hand pollinated 4 kumi kumi flowers, having a wonderful crop off the one plant I have, now the female flowers have appeared, had about 20 so far, and checking there's at least 20 more female flower coming ready this week. The vine is taking up over half my lawn lol

canz, Mar 16, 5:16am
Oh, and at 3am this morning I was making a lovely chutney from fruit I found the past couple of days in gardens in the redzoned houses here in Ch-ch, Black boy peaches, granny smith and some sort of big red apple, normal peaches, apricots. that was just on one street, and one of my own large kumi kumi I missed and didn't pick for 3 or 4 days past when it should have been. Can tell already its going to be a fine chutney, doesn't even need to be stored for a couple of months.

frag, Mar 16, 5:37am
There is a good organic caterpillar spray in the kiwi range. I buy it at the supermarket No more caterpillars its called

oh_hunnihunni, Mar 16, 5:45am
Squished caterpillars make a good spray.

oh_hunnihunni, Mar 16, 5:46am
But if it is, it'll be heaven!