Starling problem

beerlady, Jan 24, 9:28pm
How do I stop the starlings from pulling out the plants!Have planted succulents down the drive garden which has bark also and every day the plants are scattered on the drive. so frustrating.thanks for any advice

kp11, Jan 24, 9:53pm
cover them with netting / chicken wire just in the short term till their roots are established.

wunderbar2, Jan 24, 9:58pm
Get a cat !

beerlady, Jan 24, 10:45pm
Thanks for both tips.

net_oz, Jan 24, 11:53pm
Wont be starlings doing that, it will be blackbirds.

favouriteseller, Jan 25, 3:58am
air rifle is more selective than a cat

rich1969, Feb 8, 6:45am
True and it also gets rid of cats too.