Dodgy Samona tree trimmers in Auckland

arsenalboy, Sep 7, 5:44am
Anyone know how to get in touch with them. ? I have a couple of trees that need trimming but haven't seen them around our neighbourhood for a while. Any contacts would be much appreciated.

lythande1, Sep 7, 7:14pm
If they are dodgy, why would you want to hire them?

merrigj, Sep 8, 4:21am
I would say cheaper because they take cash and don't worry about any of the OSH regulations.

coop19, Sep 8, 4:27am
If you are talking about the Samoan group that was ripping off the elderly a couple of years back I think they have been tidied up and got rid of. If not do not have a bar of them. They were working right through the Nth Waikato as well and kept hassling me for a couple of years in a row over wanting to cut my shelterbelts. I saw them take out an old ladies tree in town and they did a reasonable job in quick time but the bill was horrendous. Real rip of merchants and hard for the oldies to say no to!

arsenalboy, Sep 8, 8:13pm
Yep - just want them 'cause they are cheap and have no issues taking out any sort of tree and do a quick job. These guys weren't the North Waikato crooks - just a truck load of fly-by-nighters that cruise around the suburban streets.

peacebird15, Oct 5, 5:15pm
They are part of an organised expanded group who cover most of NZ, dont be fooled, they are a bigger group than you think. One of the family names has popped up in groups working in Sydney and Brisbane doing the same scams claiming some alliance to the church.
They go by many names, and have been done for everything from burglary to fraud.
Gear stolen by them in wellington ends up with there auckland, hamilton or christchurch guys. A guy in Hokitika chased them off after they tried to rip of his elderly neighbour. They left a saw behind, stolen from auckland of course.
Some company was stupid enough to sell them a chipper on finance. They didnt see that chipper again or any payments until it was left wrecked in auckland 5 years later I believe.
They scared a lady I knew so bad by threatening her and taking her money over a little job (they put her in there truck and drove her to a money machine), she could no longer live in her own house.
Another old guy they were taking 400 bucks a week off for doing his lawns and hedges, it only stopped because the local bank stopped accepting the cheques some 16 grand later. They were done for it, surprise, surprise they were listed in the paper as sickness beneficiarys. They got a slap on the wrist.

But yeah, save yourself some bucks, why not support some criminals?