Growing your on tobacco

treens2, Jan 7, 6:09am
Anyone done it keen to learn more

nitronz, Jan 7, 6:23am
you get a load of info off google.
growing it is grows like a weed, its curing it that requires time and a bit of skill

treens2, Jan 7, 7:40am
Thanks for that thread starter should ofread own tobacco

johnwood, Jan 7, 7:41am
I think it's illegal, but don't that let that stop you.

junie2, Jan 7, 7:59am
Not illegal. We did it for my f-in-law for yrs, not difficult either, but read or google as suggested by #2 is the best idea.

canz, Jan 21, 1:04pm
it not illegal to growm it is illegal to sell the leaves
go to youtube they will teach you everything about curing it!search_query=curing+tobacco+leaves&oq=curing+tobacco+leaves&gs_l=youtube.