any tips for growing any herbs in side over winter please . I know nothing and would love most of Herbs used in Asian cooking :)
May 9, 8:16pm
Where abouts are you? Coriander grows better outside in Autumn/winter than it does in summer, if you have the space that is :)
May 9, 8:38pm
Christchurch coriander is my fav so it's ok to grow out side ?
May 9, 11:03pm
I grow Bay, marjoram, organo, mint, parsley, chives, sage, thyme and basil. The basil is the only one that doesn't just grow all year. I freeze it for winter.
May 9, 11:24pm
OP, line out the attic, install some heat lamps, and you can grow those Herbs no worries, apart from a visit from the cop's.
May 12, 3:14pm
If you have any outdoor space at all it would be best to plant them outside, or in pots outside. They tend to get overwatered easily. However Vietnamese mint and mint in general may be your best option in winter. If you really need to grow herbs inside make sure the sage and thyme plants are in a sunny spot and only water once every three weeks just a little.
Jan 11, 3:03am
You'll need a sunny spot, like a sunroom or large window that gets sun for most of the day. Grow in larger pots. Use slow release fertiliser. Apart from that, some herbs will grow better with your conditions than others, so try out a few and see what happens. I'm doubtful about coriander, for example, it seems to need longer daylight hours to grow well enough for regular harvest. Spring onions should work well, grow from seed. I've had no luck with Vietnamese mint or lemongrass, but my MIL can keep them alive indoors in winter. Again, many plants will survive, but not put out enough new leaves to harvest from.
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