Best tips for growing hydrangeas.

macandrosie, Apr 19, 11:19pm
Does anyone have some good sound advice to growing hydrangeas in Southland please? What really makes them flourish? TIA

budgel, Apr 19, 11:28pm
I dunno about Southland but here up north I just stick a cutting in the ground and then worry about pruning them back every year. They look after themselves and are great space fillers.

kevymtnz, Apr 19, 11:33pm

here i do nothing and it grows mad (BOP)
last year i cut it almost ground level and this year its over 1m and flowering as if nothing had happened

light frosts are ok but hard frosts not so sure

macandrosie, Jan 30, 9:00am
Yeah that's my point - you see in Southland we really do get hard frosts & it gives them a real belt if they're young plants. Lucky for you guys further north!