Anyone else still got tomatoes growing ?

nukhelenc, May 6, 5:46am
I've still got tomatoes growing, and im in Dunedin. Cant be long now :)
Love Tomatoes
Any pics?
Ill snap some pictures tomorrow if anyone can do the same.

lythande1, May 6, 2:41pm
Yes. Although they are new plants that self seeded. leaving them, doing OK so far, see how long they last.

Capsicums still going happily.

ebygum1, May 6, 4:09pm
Tomatoes all done,but I picked strawberries this week.

nukhelenc, May 6, 6:14pm
I did take 2 other photos but to large to upload on TM
These ones squirt in the mouth when you bite them :)

shanreagh, May 6, 7:05pm
Yes a few outside and they are lovely too!

morticia, May 6, 7:18pm
I have a huge self sown big yellow cherry tomato that I finally picked the 4metre stems up off the ground and hung on a support last week. Still flowering, loads still ripening and has a warm north facing brick wall behind it. I'm going to hang some plastic up in front of it and see how far into winter I can keep it going.

fantail8, May 7, 12:01am
I just ripped mine out today. will make green tomato chutney with tomatoes I picked. Need the space for my winter veges otherwise I may have seen how long they would go for.

dlightful, May 7, 4:20pm
Yes - mine are still growing but starting to get a bit cooler now - these three plants are clones of the 1st picked lats of their parent plants and dipped into rooting hormone early December.

trade4us2, May 7, 5:40pm
We still get a dozen cherry tomatoes each day.
A few years ago I had a tomato plant in a pot on the deck and it produced tomatoes in winter. Maybe I should plant some now.

germainium, May 7, 7:49pm
Yep, got yellow and red cherries, Mr stripey, chocolate cherries and beef steaks (I think), starting to wind down now though

jenny791, May 10, 5:27pm
Yes, still have both ripe and ripening tomatoes. Usually pick them up until end of June in our glasshouse here in Gore.

velenski, May 10, 7:30pm
yip still growing in invers

tub4, May 11, 12:07am
still picking but coming to an end soon I think

nitpnz, May 11, 1:38am
If you pull the whole plant and hang it roots-up indoors before it gets frosted the green ones slowly ripen.
Green tomatoes make great chutney, sauce and jam

mottly, May 14, 11:38pm
Capsicums and aubergines still going strong in Thames

twain1, May 16, 3:09pm
lots of tomato, picking daily, will probably go until the first frosts
Its great to plant late and have out of season toms

nukhelenc, May 19, 5:51am
Ok so here is a photo from today. 18/05/15
Surly you people know how to work a camera ? Only one good photo so far from another tomato grower.

budgel, Jan 6, 5:55am
I had a grafted beefsteak that had a short run and delivered fruit that didnt look at all like beefsteak. Once it had fruited I left it there and paid no attention to it.
Over the last two months it has grown to an enormous size with lots of cherry tomatoes on it, and still flowering.
I finally cut it down yesterday and found that while the graft had died way back when the beefsteaks were done, the rootstock had really gone for it!
Boy was that vigorous! The little cherry tomatoes it produced had very thick skins and were quite sweet when only the slightest hint of yellow was on them. Not really a lot of fruit for the amount of foliage.