Hi. I have had some work done by a tradesman, the orodict used has failed,
He has been trying to work with the supplier and the manufacturer to no luck. This has been going on for months with no resolution and I am stuck with it.
I am the only one who had had no impact on the job yet have to live with shoddy priduct.
I am going to take them to disputes if need be as everyone is blaming someone else. And it’s going around in circles.
Question is, do I take the person who did the job, bearing in mind I see it as a product failure, or is it up to him to take it to court as he purchased the product. He is happy to do this so not sure who needs to do it,
You should be protected under consumer guarantees act.
Good luck
Aug 30, 2:25pm
Then there is always fair go?
Aug 30, 2:25pm
Your beef is with the person that charged you for the product. If the tradesman supplied it, its his/her problem. If you supplied it, then its up to you to chase whoever supplied it to you.
If the tradesmen supplied them then he has to rectify. There is always the option for tradesmen to go through his insurance, who will then chase the supplier of the product for payment.
Aug 30, 3:20pm
Sounds like the tradesman is trying to do the right thing. Can you hang on a little longer due to all this lockdown malarky holding things up?
Aug 30, 3:21pm
Thanks. I will call those peop,e if need be or go to CAB (I was thinking of that)
It’s not only replacing the product it’s getting the work redone too that I want. If the,product is replaced only it will cost the same price as it cost me originally to redo - if remove faulty and redo. Which is a between $5-10k. Might not be much to some but I live on my own and have many other things I could have spent that on and it’s a fair chunk to me,
Tradesman purchased so,will get him to go,to court and support him if need be, maybe fair go but I don’t fancy going on tv!
I gave a solution I’d be happy with where all parties wore a bit of the cost, including me but didn’t even get a reply so I am so over it,
Aug 30, 3:22pm
He’s been trying for weeks. Months. Job was done in may. After first lockdown so,they have had many weeks to,sort,
Aug 30, 5:06pm
Oh okay yeah that is awhile ago. Best of luck and I hope you have a good outcome :-)
Aug 30, 5:09pm
Thank you. Me too!
And yes it’s a while, I’ve been patient. Allowed the supplier to come on site, the manufacturer to come on sight. Had inconvenience while job not fixed etc.
I haven’t placed bad reviews on their site or fb etc snd tried to be reasonable, but they have lost two friends of mine who eojld have used their product so would have been easier to sort in the beginning for probably a couple of grand each,
Dragging it on doesn’t make it go away.
Aug 31, 1:49am
So what is the product that failed, so we may all stay away from it.
Aug 31, 2:54am
dont want to say too much, in case it does go to court. but if i dont get what i want im gonna be putting reviews all over the show lol.
ive been fair up till now and not done that giving them heaps of chance to fix. i dont want to go to court, would have been so much easier to fix and keep a customer happy, as well as keeping other customers (my friends and anyone who will read my bad review).
the tradesmen is staying away from this product from now too so he wont be using it. cost more than the couple of grand would have cost to fix it for me. go figure!.
Aug 31, 3:13am
Has this tradesman used the product before? Is it established that it is a product fault and not faulty application?
Aug 31, 3:30am
Him sadly. Sounds like he is trying to be helpful, but it's up to him to sort the manufacturer. not you. He has to just replace your item.
Aug 31, 3:45am
the thing is too the manufacturer ended uyp ringing me. cause they dont want to deal with him. i said its between them as he purchased it, i just want it fixed.
he obviously doesnt wnat to do the job again wtihout compensation if it is a product issue.
Aug 31, 3:53am
if he doesnt end up taking it to court. can i take him to court for a bad job?
Aug 31, 3:30pm
Thanks. I’m worried I’m going to be stuck with it!
Aug 31, 3:58pm
The tradesman should have insurance to cover the remedial work and new product.
Aug 31, 4:26pm
Thanks. Even if it’s the manufactures fault?
The product had issues, he tried to fix it under suppliers advise, then the manufacturer tried to fix it a few more times and now I have ruined product so one is blaming the other etc, Saying the tradesmen did it wrong.
I think the tradesmen would Have had to go down thst route if product didn’t have issues, and he did go ask how to fix.
Long saga . I’ll give them a week or two and then I’ll contact again.
Sep 3, 5:18am
You should only deal with whoever sold you the product (in this case, the tradesman) and all others are irrelevant - indeed dealing with any other party may predjudice a claim that you might take against the tradesman. The argument further back between him the the supplier is up to him to deal with.
I'm suspecting that it's that JH cladding product?
Sep 4, 5:59pm
an ipad you realise that apple moves heaven and earth so no one can legally repair the products. As they dont sell no parts to no one and sue people who have original components refurbished in china . as counterfit items since there is no parts sold means its all counterfit items. ipad-rehab and i think luise rosman only fixes macbooks. He has F--k apple written on his borded up repair shop in New York. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVHhn1DcfT8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC5AiUgq2Zg
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