I-STRIP - SPEEDHEATER - does it work well?

ang_ck, Jan 16, 5:56am
I intent to strip the paint off my weatherboard. I came across I-strip speedheater. Anyone use this to strip the paint of the wall! What do you think of it!

rednicnz, Jan 16, 7:11am
Can't say from personal experience because I was looking after the baby while hubby did all the work.He says it's good but time consuming.But if you're going back to the boards it's going to be time consuming.His only complaint was that he found it hard to get into the corners.
We bought one off TM and got the track system that you screw onto the sofits (or whatever the horizontal overhange bits are called) and drag it along (and up and down) as you go.You don't want to be holding it while you scrape!

ang_ck, Jan 16, 8:43am
excellent feedback, thanks for your reply

rodeoraz, Jan 17, 4:29am
We trialed one. As a result we learned that they aren't effective when you have acrylic paint over the top of lead paint. Such a shame, we were keen as to use this system.

fordkiwi27, Jan 25, 2:05am
maxistrip paint stripper.