i have been using it regularly for the controll of whitefly and psyllids but with no success.Im going to have to revert back to target . whats your opinion on neem!
Nov 27, 9:24pm
Neem works by interrupting the life cycle. Bugs can't change into their next form, therefore they don't reproduce. It doesn't kill, it reduces. So keep using it, but if you want quick kill, use something nasty.
Nov 28, 2:42am
It most definately does work. My tangelo tree was riddled with whitefly by the thousands!. I sprinkled around the drip line line some neem granules, also sprayed some good quality neem oil on the tree making sure you get the nderneath of the leaves. I did this every Third day around three times.I have no white fly now apart from the odd one or two which I squish!It's very good stuff!Use the wallys one with warm water to melt the hardened oil.
Nov 28, 2:51am
I used neem oil 25mil to 1 litre poured around orange tree for borer and it got rid entirely of white fly and the borer situation improved greatly.
Nov 28, 11:55am
Whitefly is resistant to a lot of things now. The recommended procedure is to alternate sprays.
Nov 28, 12:55pm
Yes, Neem oil does work, as does Cold Water Surf, but if you plant nasturtiums at the base of the citrus and tamarillo trees, white fly go to live somewhere else! Neem oil also works for bronze beetles.
Nov 29, 12:27am
The neem oil I have says on the bottle not to use on food producing plants !.
Nov 25, 7:42pm
Can you tell me more about this! did you pour on the ground and thats it! just the once! have a bad infestation of borer in my orange and grapefruit
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