Work Of Art By Accident

jubre, Apr 21, 5:45pm
This was on the front page of our newspaper today.
Well worth a look at.
As he says, a good add for 'Spec Savers'

samanya, Apr 21, 6:37pm
I shouldn't laugh,, but I couldn't help it. The poor b*gger.
Who hasn't done something similar, I know I have, but on a much smaller scale.

buzzy110, Apr 21, 6:59pm
Funny as. I wonder if he 'cured' his broadleaf problem.

lythande1, Apr 21, 8:44pm
Looks like crop circle art.

rusty-bones, Apr 21, 8:49pm
Ha ha ha brilliant, so funny.

cleggyboy, Apr 21, 9:33pm
I had a stupid old fool for a mowing contractor. He said you get one free weed spraying a year. So I showed him what I wanted sprayed and left him to it.
Couple of weeks later I had this huge brown patch in the middle of my lawn. So I pointed it out he said the trigger on the sprayer must have jammed open, next time I call I will put some grass seed down. Well that told me how much he knew about lawns, cos this was in June.
I now have a different guy.

pauldw, Apr 21, 10:23pm
Even if he had used the right weedkiller it is such a hit and miss job that there would be enough weeds remaining to take it over again.

maclad, Apr 21, 11:53pm
Poor sod. Looks like it was such a nice lawn. Now what, start again. Hope it gets sorted for him easily and soon. A perfect lawn is so very nice to have and it appears his lawn was really nice beforehand.

fendie, Apr 22, 12:06am
well I have Ghastly Grass Grub but is isn't nearly a artistic as this

ira78, Apr 23, 10:39pm
He clearly did a horrible job of spraying, didn't get very good coverage at all.

skin1235, Apr 24, 4:30am
probably one of those bottles you plug the hose into, theres plenty of them out there, supposedly selective, just walk around the lawn targeting the weeds you see
very effective result as we can see, lol

gem661, Apr 24, 5:09am
While out walking the dog the other day had too laugh. someone has herbicided an overgrown road side area so the word LAZY really stands out! Hardcase.

pauldw, Apr 24, 5:18am
Those hose end sprays are usually a broadleaf killer like 2,4D and fertiliser that leaves fine grass alone. He probably used glyphosate or amitrole instead.

skin1235, Jan 25, 5:56am
theres a few handy with a bottle of roundup down this way
most of the messages would get me a banning if I repeated them here though - one that won't cause such was one guys front lawn had 'kiddie fiddler' written in with diesel, could still be seen 3 years later - he sold and moved then, the new owner had to dig the entire lawn out to get rid of it