You can have just ONE fruit tree

pauline999, Oct 22, 4:55pm
because the section is too small and the lemon and grapefruit trees are already at the top of the list and non negotiable. Which ONE fruit tree would you plant in your garden. I'm thinking about apricot but . open to suggestions!

kateley, Oct 22, 4:58pm
Apricots are a bit hit and miss as far as fruiting goes, so I would chose a black boy peach - they fruit from a young age and don't get as many problems as other fruits. Also a very versatile fruit you can , eat raw, stewed, jam, chutney

ryanm2, Oct 22, 5:17pm
Golden peach. Yummo and plenty of fruit.

lythande1, Oct 22, 5:44pm
Tree? Or fruit in general? I'd skip citrus. I have passionfruit, grape (Albany Surprise) an a cherry tree.
The rest is cheap enough to buy if need be.

lakeview3, Oct 22, 6:00pm
I would say an Apple such as Kids Orange Red.

You have fruit for weeks, the fruit lasts once picked and you can stew it and freeze.

Peaches and nectarines are lovely but the fruit goes bad very quickly.

lakeview3, Oct 22, 6:00pm
The best lemon to have is Meyer. Quite juicy and sweet.

holly-rocks, Oct 22, 6:25pm
I would say apple too. My fav is Peesgood nonsuch. I have a miniature in my garden and I’m guessing there is well over 200 little apples forming on it atm. It’s such a heavy cropper (great for cooking and eating fresh)

cinderellagowns, Oct 22, 7:22pm
Feijoa for me.

artemis, Oct 22, 7:27pm
Avocado. If too many once it starts producing any number of friends and relations will be keen to swap for fruit they grow. Also they can stay on the tree longer than some other fruit and don't attract birds. Expensive to start with (not worth buying cheap) and take a while to produce.

Big problem with fruit is when yours is ready everyone else's is as well, and cheap.

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 23, 8:59am
My little golden peach.

But as a runner up, a crab apple.

joanie32, Oct 23, 9:18am
Nashi pear is my favourite tree

Juicy and refreshing straight off the tree

Also a good base for any other fruit juice you may have (very nice with a drop of vodka)

gpg58, Oct 23, 11:28am
Had a peach tree, but along with the birds pecking most fruit, and the rest being stolen by the ferals next door reaching over the fence, and also getting more by climbing over onto my property, so in a temper when the biggest one i was watching daily vanished, i chainsawed it down right then, so the pricks would never do it again.
Also now have full property 4k cameras recording 24/7 .

Thinking of replacing with either feijoa, guava or a fig, in a location well away from that fence line.

phoenix22, Oct 23, 1:16pm
I'd go plum or feijoa. From experience, you get a lot of fruit off these.

we used to live on a property with a plum tree out the front and feijoas out the back. The school kids would sneakily come in and take fruit whilst they waited for the bus. In the end, I just told them, you can take as much fruit as you want that has fallen to the ground, but leave the stuff on the trees. They were happy as doing that.

rarogirl1, Oct 23, 2:27pm
feijoa the best.

redhead96, Oct 23, 4:12pm
Can you still get fruit trees that have 2 types on it? eg plums Billington and Doris

holly-rocks, Oct 23, 4:16pm
Yes You can :) that’s a good idea. I have a beautiful dark plum and a greengage on one tree.

fibertrix, Oct 23, 6:52pm
Do your research first. Some trees need a certain amount of frost before they will fruit. What do you actually like eating. Can it be espalliade against a wall, thus saving space.

popsie2, Oct 23, 6:55pm

lakeview3, Oct 23, 7:16pm
ooh yes, nashi are great. A friend has one that gets laden every year and we take some (before the wasps get them)

Luisa Plum. Absolutely stand out. I don’t have one but I want! Also feijoa are great.

gpg58, Oct 23, 7:18pm
Hated greengage myself, as the dam thing kept growing new trunks from roots up to 15m from main tree, extremely invasive (the one i had anyway).

calostemma, Sep 17, 3:56pm
Figs are hard to come by (in my part of aus )