Soap Scum On Shower Door

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shall, Apr 16, 3:31pm
this is the only thing you will ever need, i have tried almost everything and this is leaps and bounds ahead of anything else, 5-6 weeks i have been using it and have not even wiped the shower and its spotless

amasser, Apr 16, 5:37pm

If you're like me and you're tired of constantly scrubbing soap scum off your shower door, you may have heard of a product called Shower Witch. It's a popular cleaning solution sold at Bunnings that promises to magically make your shower sparkle and shine without any hard work. But does Shower Witch really work?

I have to say, I was skeptical at first. I've tried a lot of different cleaning products over the years, and most of them have been disappointing. But after hearing some positive reviews from friends, I decided to give Shower Witch a try. And I'm so glad I did!

Here's how it works: you simply spray Shower Witch onto your shower surfaces (including the walls and floor) and then walk away. That's it. No scrubbing, no wiping, no rinsing. Just let the product do its thing.

I was amazed at how well Shower Witch worked. After just a few days, I noticed a significant improvement in the appearance of my shower. The soap scum was disappearing before my eyes! And after a few weeks, my shower was completely spotless. I couldn't believe it.

One of the things I love about Shower Witch is how easy it is to use. I don't have to spend hours scrubbing my shower every week anymore. I just spray it down with Shower Witch once a month and it stays clean. It's also very affordable and lasts a long time.

Of course, if you're not a fan of Shower Witch or if you're looking for an alternative, there are other products out there. Some people swear by vinegar and baking soda, while others recommend using a squeegee to prevent soap scum from building up in the first place. It's really up to you to find what works best for your needs.

In conclusion, if you're tired of scrubbing soap scum off your shower surfaces, I highly recommend giving Shower Witch a try. It's a game-changer, and it really does work. And if you're looking for an alternative, there are plenty of options out there to explore. Don't give up on finding the perfect solution for your cleaning needs.

jan2242, Apr 18, 10:24am
If you're struggling with soap scum buildup on your shower door, I have a solution that might just change your life. I know it might sound too good to be true, but trust me, this stuff really works.

Are you ready for it? The secret is...wait for it...a magic eraser. Yes, you heard that right. Those little white sponges that you can find at any grocery store or online are the key to a sparkling clean shower door.

All you have to do is wet the magic eraser with some water and start scrubbing away at the soap scum buildup on your shower door. It might take a little elbow grease, but I promise it will be worth it. The magic eraser will break down the soap scum and leave your shower door looking brand new.

The best part is, you don't even need to use any harsh chemicals or cleaners. The magic eraser does all the work for you. And, if you're worried about scratching your shower door, don't be. The magic eraser is gentle enough to use on most surfaces without causing any damage.

So, next time you're struggling with soap scum buildup on your shower door, give the magic eraser a try. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by the results. And, as always, remember to rinse your shower door thoroughly after cleaning to avoid any leftover soap scum buildup.

wind.turbine, Apr 18, 6:36pm
cheapest option is washing powder, wet glass then a wet cloth, sprinkle powder over glass then just wipe it around , will rip it all right off.
then just rinse off

marte, Apr 19, 4:04am
I use a brand called CIF that i got from the Warehouse, quite cheap at $3 & its quite strong & a bit fumey.
It tok the yellow soap scum off my bath that had been there for years & years.
It took a bit of work, like id spray it ,& let it soak & or leave a wet towel over it to let it soak in a bit.
I had to use a kitchen scrubbing brush on a lot of it, but it worked and nothing else had.

brouser3, Apr 19, 8:23am
Aghast at how many people suggest using a highly abrasive material. Only if you wouldn't be scared to clean your dirty teflon fry pan with it would I even consider using it.

kitty179, Apr 19, 10:22am
Yikes that looks expensive, given it's meant to be used daily. Almost $10 a bottle!

tygertung, Apr 19, 8:18pm
Oven cleaner is usually sodium hydroxide which will dissolve aluminium, so be careful of aluminium framing.

kitty179, Apr 19, 8:22pm
Holy cow how do they justify those prices? The second really expensive one I've seen recommended in here. They must be exceptionally good if people are prepared to pay that much.

bryshaw, Apr 20, 11:37am
Wall to wall advertising and shop fronts cost.

hammer23, Apr 22, 7:54am
Sorry not available,sounds like work.

coolnzmum, Apr 22, 10:06am
Tigers paw works really well with a fair bit of elbow grease :-) but is expensive.Bar keepers friend works really well too and is cheaper.

gaimon, Jul 21, 3:58pm
Have you tried oven cleaner? Works a treat!

oh_hunnihunni, Jul 21, 4:07pm
I use those to clean my aquarium glass. Apparently the surface of the pads is very hard, but incredibly smooth, so it removes the most resistant forms of algae, and being inert, it is perfectly safe in all environments.

I must try them on my shower glass!

hydroplane, Jul 26, 6:16pm
acid water spots need to be removed with a glass polish, soap scum can be removed with shower cleaner and one of those green plastic pot cleaners, shower witch and tigers pour are excessively expensive, which is ok if you like burning good money. try rinsing off with the shower end and using a glass squeegee after each shower.

lakeview3, Jul 26, 10:11pm
where did you get the multiclean eraser from please thanks

yapper, Jul 27, 7:35pm
Bunnings or someone like that will have it - but they have different names - at the moment I can't think of the name of the ones I got from Bunnings. Something like 'miracle cleaner' or something. Someone will know on here though. I trust the house owner will pay for whatever you buy? And yes, squeegeeing after every shower stops this happening. It's easy to get into the habit of it we have found - not wanting to preach.

lakeview3, Jul 27, 8:47pm
thanks - anyone got a photo so I know what I am looking for?

barbs60, Jul 27, 9:18pm
I buy mine from a price buster shop or petes emporium but theyre everywhere, different brands, just search on google 'Magic Eraser'. I clean the bath and sink using just water with these.

dlmckay, Jul 27, 9:26pm
If it's soap scum, then baking soda and some elbow grease will take it right off. If it's mineralised deposits, good luck. Many (expensive) potions out there to try.

lakeview3, Jul 27, 9:32pm
Thanks I can see countdown and Briscoes have some.

rainstorm, Jul 31, 12:12am
I bought some from Mitre 10, although there were a few in the range. I guessed the most appropriate one from the label info and have tested in one area of the shower glass. Looks good so far.

xs1100, Aug 1, 6:07pm
jiff and elbow grease will solve it

tacr, Aug 1, 9:51pm
If it can’t be removed by any of the above then you may have silica in the water supply which is impossible to shift from my long and frustrating experience. Hopefully this is not the case for you

lynja, Aug 6, 6:49am
$2 type shops have the cleaning erasers. No need to buy expensive ones. I cut them in half and they last a few uses.