Prettiest fruit trees

cranberry12, Oct 14, 3:14pm
So I can put half of my fruit trees around the back where they won't be seen and the other half around the front where they will be seen. May be a matter of opinion but which fruit trees are the most attractive? I have - Peasgood non such apple, Pacific rose, splendor, royal gala, peach cot, taylors gold pear, winter cole pear, redgold nectarine, glohaven peach, Taihape Quince, Peacherine, Louisa plum.

gilligee, Oct 14, 3:27pm
What a lovely selection. Why haven't you included a persimmon? They are a beautiful tree in autumn and a lovely shape.
I would put my favourites at the back where they won't be seen and people won't be tempted to sample.

cranberry12, Oct 14, 3:35pm
They do look pretty, I've never tasted them to be honest. So maybe put the apples where they'll be seen? As I have 4.

wine-o-clock, Oct 14, 4:27pm
blackboy peach=pink flowers

lakeview3, Oct 14, 4:57pm
Go for the Black Mabel Nectarine. Pretty burgundy foliage, burgundy fruit and pretty pink flowers. You won’t be sorry, if I can grow them anyone can!

mark_g, Oct 14, 7:39pm
If there is a prevailing wind at your place or if the front yard gets more or less sun than the back then I'd be putting some time into figuring out which trees tolerate a bit less sun or more wind and place them based on that.

arabelle, Oct 14, 8:19pm
my louisa plum has taken on umbrella shape and is pretty . Are you keeping all trees their natural shape or going to pergola some or a formal fence line. I agree that having them out the front is likely meaning what doesnt go to the birds will go to the passerbys

lythande1, Oct 15, 8:23am
Cherry trees, but only when they flower.

bryalea, Oct 15, 8:59am
I like citrus trees, nice flowers and look great when laden with colourful fruit. They also look great for a long time till the fruit falls or is picked. Not just a few weeks while in flower.

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 15, 10:50am
The quince will grow into a decent sized tree, the flowers are gorgeous, and it has superb autumn colouring, so I would put it in the front. If there is still room I would put your pear within bee flying distance, they make good companions.

But prettiest of all? My pick would be peach, but I am totally biased by the one outside my window! And if I had to choose a fruit tree for beauty it would be a crabapple, preferably a weeping one.


sumstyle, Oct 15, 1:10pm
Plus - who would steal quince fruit?

cranberry12, Oct 15, 1:39pm
I think I'll prune them to a vase shape and will have to keep the size down as not a lot of room here.

centaurus2, Oct 16, 12:27pm
I love my Quince tree beautiful flowers and the fruit,mmm , golden with a perfume the tree trunk is nobly and interesting Quince and stewed Apple love it.

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 16, 12:41pm
Someone who had tasted quince paste?

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 16, 12:43pm
I agree. I won't be around when my seed grown tree finally fruits, but I am glad I bothered.

sumstyle, Oct 16, 1:11pm
:-) We have an older doctor in the DHB here who's Probis group makes quince paste and quince jellies. When she wants to reward/bribe someone to do something for her, she brings along the quince jelly (which has been strained of course, and look beautiful).

I just can't imagine quinces being so popular that someone would pinch them - there's work involved to get them to be edible.

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 16, 1:32pm
You need to be a brave cook to make quince paste. It is like working with an active volcano!

But oh, the results!

les6, Oct 16, 3:42pm
try doing it in the microwave,faster and no more lava burns!

starseeker, Oct 16, 4:24pm
Crab apple trees are really beautiful, flowers , leaves, & fruit. And if you can be bothered, make crab apple jelly it's so beautiful, a clear ruby red & very tasty.

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 16, 4:40pm
Oh that is so cheating, lol.

cranberry12, Oct 16, 5:53pm
Quince paste is beautiful, a lot of work though apparently.

meoldchina, Oct 21, 8:50pm
I would definitely include a Persimmon. Stunning autumn colours and the fruit are lovely and sweet. Very easy to grow too.

spacekids, Sep 17, 7:56pm
My pear at the moment is flowering beautifully and has literally left a carpet of white flowers on the lawn. very pretty