my garage door opens and shuts perfectly most of the time. but every now and again it comes down and near the end of the down part it sticks, and then goes up again. If I put very slight pressure on it it will continue to go down and close, like just the weight of my hand. I have some CRC well its WD40 but think it is the same thing, and am happy to squirt it. but where oh where should I aim ? I can't see anything obstructing it, no plant etc, and it only does it sometimes, mostly when I am late and have to get out of the car and lean on it.
Jan 21, 10:57am
Does the issue happen more so on windy days? If so it could be that the springs' tension needs adjusting, but that's potentially a dangerous job if you aren't familiar with them as they are strong springs.
Jan 21, 11:59am
You need to find the user manual for the door opener online somewhere. Mine says never lubricate the slide channels.
Jan 21, 12:03pm
Find the manual and adjust the force setting a slight tweak should have it going down perfect every time.
Jan 21, 12:05pm
What sort of door, tilt, roller, or sectional? Have you tried disconnecting the motor and manually pushing up and down to feel for sticking?
Jan 21, 1:50pm
Ours did that too but since it has been serviced had no further issues.
Jan 22, 4:50am
servicing sounds the fix, serviceman will sort it out no doubt
Jan 22, 6:11am
My sectional garage door (Dominator) has occasionally gone wrong over 30 years, probably because of spikes in the power supply. I can reset the door by turning the power off for a while (I can't remember the time, but 10 minutes should do) then allow the door to hit something like a piece of plywood on the ground. It should then remember where the ground is.
Jan 22, 4:14pm
Um, I think perhaps servicing is the answer, I haven't ever had it serviced ! And it works better on wet days, wind doesn't seem to affect it. It's a tilt door, and yes I wouldn't touch the springs, I know one person who heard a huge bang in her garage, phew , one spring had - well exploded is the word that comes to mind. pieces every where.
Jan 28, 6:09am
Somewhere in the deep corner of my brain I remember being told by a roller door install person that products like WD-40 / CRC are not the right stuff for roller doors.
Jan 28, 7:12am
WD40 should not be used on garage doors you need a silicon based product that does not dry out . or wash off .
Jan 28, 7:23am
Yes when mine was installed back in 2004 this was mentioned to me several times.
Jan 28, 3:19pm
And no I haven't done anything ! I was put off WD40 right at the start of this thread so I haven't. But thanks for your concern everybody, I do take all the comments to heart. It seems to be getting worse so I must ring to get it serviced , or replaced. The wood on the door (cedar ? ) looks stained and fragile. Water blasting is one suggestion but I think it would just be blasted into holes. Hmn,, thinks.
Jan 28, 3:47pm
Heavens, there are a lot of garage door places. Mine is a Dominator. Any comments on which one ? thanks
Aug 22, 5:51am
My friends tilt door did the stopping action on wet days .It was the side panels of the frame which were loose and keep moving inwards to jam to door near the bottom
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