Horrible draught coming through garage door sides

bannylou, May 25, 5:07pm
Does anyone know if there's some sort of kit you can get to rectify this yourself? Thanks in advance

mm12345, May 25, 5:47pm
What kind of garage door?
If sectional, it might just need the tracks adjusted and/or replacement of the felt seals on the jambs.
If tilt, then it might need the flashings adjusted/straightened, the door aligned and/or adjusted so it closes flush against the flashing.
If you don't know what the issue is, then get an expert in to sort it. Homeowner's attempts to fix "simple" problems with garage doors can turn into big cans of worms.

kateley, May 25, 5:49pm
couldn't you get some of those draught strips from hardware store and stick them on? I've seen them for round window so there could well be bigger ones for doors

bannylou, May 25, 5:55pm
It's a sectional door but there are big gaps, with visible light at sides rather than between sections. Yes, will get an expert. Thanks

mm12345, May 25, 6:26pm
If it's a relatively new door, get the company who supplied the door to sort it.
While what you describe might be "normal" maintenance and adjustment, there are some sloppy lazy installers around who might not have had the right brackets with them to allow correct adjustment, or couldn't be bothered setting it up properly. Not uncommon. The panels should sit "loosely snug" against the felt on the jambs, not tight, but just right.

hilt_dwane, May 25, 6:38pm
The felt on ours perished and broke away in parts so I pulled the lot off. Is there somewhere to purchase replacement felt?

mm12345, May 25, 7:46pm
Not sure if it's available in short lengths in hardware stores. It comes in long rolls (100m?). Perhaps ask a garage door company like Dominator if they can supply you with a cut length. I'd suggest you use SS staples, then if some don't go full depth with the staple gun, tap them down with a hammer.

hilt_dwane, May 26, 8:03pm
Thank you for your suggestion

lythande1, Dec 30, 7:02pm
Car getting cold?