Opening a dishwasher after it has started

trade4us2, May 22, 5:36pm
The places where I work are paranoid about the dishwasher being opened while it is washing. So they show big signs on the front saying to not open it. Is this just because the women in charge of the dishwasher don't know that it stops washing when we open the door?
My old dishwasher has a button I can press to stop the wash before I open the door.

annie17111, May 22, 5:49pm
My one, I don't even need to push stop. As soon as I open the door, it stops.

androth2, May 22, 6:36pm
Perhaps the work one is broken and doesn't stop when the door is opened or maybe they were just sick of people opening the door and adding more things

kitty179, May 22, 6:57pm
At my work we used to have problems with people opening it during a cycle and then not restarting it, then people would think it was clean and take the half-washed stuff out, or add more stuff which didn't end up getting properly washed because it was part-way through a cycle.

trade4us2, May 22, 8:09pm
Yes I think that happened a few days ago. It is not obvious that there is a restart button and there is no stop button, which I think is stupid.

shanreagh, May 22, 8:31pm
Why do you need to keep adding stuff once it is going? Either get there and load it while it is not going or save your cup until the next wash. surely?

trade4us2, May 22, 9:56pm
Somebody puts the dishwasher on before everybody has finished their afternoon tea. So there would be dirty cups sitting on the bench overnight.

kateley, May 23, 8:22am

cameron-albany, May 23, 10:02am
Lol at this thread. These annoying drongos in the office. Every workplace has one.

My d/w has a 'pause' button which you press again to restart.

I do occasionally open it during a cycle. The only reason I don't like doing it is because I don't like all the steamy clean air escaping. I think (probably not correctly) that it lowers the temperature inside and I want my dishes as clean as possible.

lythande1, May 23, 1:18pm
Probably. I open mine all the time, it's not old. they don't suddenly drop water on the floor like washing machine might.

inatiz, May 23, 4:23pm
My Bosch dishwasher instructions say under ' Interrupting the programme', -to switch off, that the programme is saved, then switch on again. And that 'If the door was opened on an appliance which has a warm water connection or is heated, first leave the door ajar for several minutes and then close. Otherwise expansion (pressure) may cause the door to spring open or water to run out of the appliance.'

shanreagh, May 23, 5:35pm
Or a notice saying 'Please return your cups by 3.30pm or they will not be washed until the next day'. OP why not have a couple of cups so this is not a biggy?

rainrain1, May 23, 5:38pm
Good grief, I often open mine to put something in, or take something out while it's going.

trade4us2, May 23, 9:07pm
The problem I had with an unfamiliar dishwasher is that it was not making a noise so I did not know it was switched on. That is because it was heating the water. If it was showing any lights, they were extremely small. I opened it and put my cup in and shut the door. I assumed that it would resume heating the water. That is what all dishwashers I have ever used do.
Next morning I discovered that the dishes were still dirty.
Fortunately the manager doesn't know that it was me who caused the dirty dishes.

pauldw, May 24, 8:55am
Maybe it wasn't going. The dishwashers I've had start washing as soon as there's water and heat the water at the same time.

dymo27, May 24, 9:18am
It's because it's a work dishwasher, not a home one. At home if it isn't switched back on it's your fault. At work, it's always someone else's problem. All places I've worked have a sign on the door indicating 'clean' or 'dirty' so you know what dishes are in there.

curlcrown, May 24, 9:27am
To me the point is if the owner or boss asks you not to do it then don't do it.

voyager4, May 24, 9:53am
We have that sometimes. Depending on who opened it, some close and resume the cycle, others don't bother. We had to put a sign on it.

shanreagh, May 24, 10:28am
And OP should either handwash it or make sure to get it back to the kitchen in time.

amasser, May 24, 11:02am
Management should organize a staff training session. In work hours and with catering, would be nice.

easyglowcandle, May 24, 5:28pm
If you are lucky, the manager might not read these message boards and your secret will be safe, either way I doubt that you will need to look for another job as it's unlikely that it's a sacking offense.

trade4us2, May 24, 7:20pm
But I have been sacked!

marte, Jul 23, 12:08pm
I had a dishwasher, that if i opened the door, when i shut it, it emptyed the dishwasher & then turned off.
Another version of it that i had, just went into pause mode & restarted as soon as i closed the door, but it did spill some spray out when i opened the door.
It also had a 'Pause' button so i could open it properly.

Opening a microwave door while its running can burn out the safety switches on the door & that will blow its main fuse & it won't cook from then on.
So stop or pause it before opening the door.