Growing Kumara

macandrosie, Oct 24, 3:26pm
Has anyone had any success growing it? I've read it's a bit of a fiddle getting plants started.

coralsnake, Oct 24, 4:30pm
I grew some but not in NZ!
We took sprouts from tubers, grew them in water on saucers to begin with before potting on into containers. We lost 1 in every 3 but that was ok. After they started coming away, we planted them in the ground where they literally grew like weeds

They just loved the long hot Texas summer!

jobb, Oct 24, 4:31pm
I don’t seem to have any problems. I buy plants from my local nursery and plant on top of a mound. Once established they grow easily without too much fuss. Not quite as high producing as a potato.

jills3, Oct 24, 5:14pm
Hell kumaras sure are expensive, just went to vegie shop and all colours $9.99kg

unknowndisorder, Oct 24, 5:56pm
I am waiting for the Kumara truck to come again, think he is due this coming weekend Whangaparaoa, so hopefully Patiki road as well - will be doing a drive by. Not sure how much a kg it is, but big bag for $20 or smaller one for $10. Last bag were huge orange ones (only sells red and orange).

jills3, Oct 24, 7:23pm
Hey unknowndisorder, does this truck ever come to Albany, as I would sure as hell be interested.

mack77, Oct 24, 10:04pm
I doubt very much that you will be able to grow them in Gore. They need a warm climate and do best in areas with warm overnight temperatures and sandy soil. Almost all commercial kumara growers are in locations just south of Dargarville.
I believe that the only South Island location that the original Maori people grew kumara was near the coast around Riwaka.

treens2, Oct 25, 5:07pm
I cut a kumera into about 5 pieces, plant it in damp seed raising mix, cover with about half an inch off seed raising mix, cover with plastic, mist spray every couple days to keep soil damp, take the plastic off once they are shooting. Kept them inside until they are up and going ,hope this helps

samanya, Oct 25, 5:57pm
Yeah, but the op is in Gore.
I have never tried to grow them here in Nth Canterbury, because I think they need several months of warmth (I read that somewhere& I could be wrong) & Gore is a lot south from my area & probably like here, climate is unpredictable.

tourer100, Oct 26, 4:08pm
I've read putting them in the car to shoot works fast as it's nice and warm

macandrosie, Feb 22, 10:42pm
Thanks everyone for your input. Yes I may have left it too late this year but will give it a crack!