Pesky house slug -

bit, Jan 4, 5:17am
Used to come into the lounge to find silver trails over the carpet every morning. Then one day I found it. Big as a cat! (OK it was maybe 5cm). Was the same colour as the carpet.

mottly, Jan 4, 6:45am
my daughter has a pet one, it's about 8inches, cheap pet, eats 4 cat biscuits a day lol

botim, Dec 22, 2:52am
I need to hunt and liberate a pesky slug that comes into my kitchen at night.
I'm finding slug slime trails on my counter tops etc in the mornings. Out damn slug, out, I say. How to catch this unwanted nocturnal visitor before Santa comes!

ed65, Dec 22, 3:03am
Pour beer into some lids, and leave them on the counter tops overnight. It works in the garden so presumably a kitchen's no different!

astroflight1, Dec 22, 3:47am
It will at least die happy.

mottly, Dec 22, 3:50am
it's probably a tiger slug looking for cat food, meat scraps - try a trail of salt

agens, Oct 18, 3:05pm
Yes, ghastly f^^^ers when you stand on them in the dark on the kitchen floor.Swipe with tissue and down the toilet.