Glass house versus shade house

reggienz, Apr 26, 1:46pm
I have inherited a really good shade house and am wondering if it would be suitable for growing early tomatoes as is (sunny position) or should it be covered in plastic sheeting ? Im in South canterbury. TIA.

lythande1, Apr 26, 2:57pm
A shade house is to shade the plants, a glasshouse is to increase the temperature inside it.
Not the same thing.

budgel, Apr 26, 4:00pm
Cover it in pastic and go for it. Remember to keep the watering up as it will be hotter and drier.

cleggyboy, Jan 24, 4:09am
I found with my glass house I had to purchase shade cloth to drape over it due to plants getting scorched with the sun, it worked well.
Edenlite used to have green bubble plastic to line their glass houses, but it was very expensive. It was UV protected and it acted as an insulation in the winter as well as additional shade in the summer.