Advices needed for motor oil stains removed

galfie24, Dec 21, 10:55am
from driveway asphalt! TIA.

freedreamz, Dec 21, 5:58pm
you can get some stuff called L A's Totally Awesome, we use this in the workshop, use it neat, pour it on, leave for a few mins then give a scrub. We get ours from an asian Dollar plus store

m16d, Dec 21, 6:50pm
Turgosonic 'll get oil off concrete but don't think anything will work on asphalt because the oil sort of dissolves it.

planespotterhvn, Dec 24, 6:44pm
Plaster of paris mixed to a thick dryish paste, or kitty litter rubbed in with your boot and left for a few days to soak.