Calcium stains on windows

paddypf, Jan 30, 4:21am
We have calcium stains on the windows from the sprinkler when watering the lawns. They are hard to remove does anybody have a magic answer to fix this?

madam127, Jan 30, 4:32am
Even if you remove them, the sprinkler will cause them to return. You would need to move the sprinkler for starters. C-Thru is a good product but does require time and effort.

sally63, Jan 30, 5:29am
Yes Brasso removes them but you will have to stop further damage

imagine4, Jan 30, 5:32am
same on shower doors and cars

trade4us2, Jan 30, 10:11pm
CLR removes calcium, lime and rust

sylvia, Jan 31, 11:27am
We got them on a glass topped outdoor table and removed them with the cutting compound you use on car paintwork.

lilyfield, Jan 31, 8:27pm
this. old rag or soft pad , electric palm sander, quick work

kcc55a, Jan 31, 10:15pm
This! Its supposed to be the answer.

carriedaway74, Aug 9, 7:27am
C-Thru glass cleaner from Mitre 10 is the best product I have found. I had very badly marked windows and shower glass which are now completely mark free. It was alot of work though, but good exercise for your arms :)