Our tomatoes getting very tall

homebay, Dec 21, 12:22am
And some are starting to flower.

Should we "top them" to stop more height !

Many thanks :)

dms01, Dec 21, 1:43am
yep nip out the top growing point and preferably take out the laterals as well for the best crop

oh_hunnihunni, Dec 21, 2:07am
Depends on how much you are feeding them. If you feed heavily the plant can produce more on an unpruned plant. If you want fewer but bigger fruit then nip out.

I never bother, I just keep up the watering and the sheep poo, but I need heaps of fruit for all my preserves for winter.

dms01, Dec 21, 2:11am
I'm only 5'5" so when the plant gets to 6ft+ it starts getting hard for me to deal with lol so I pinch it out at head height

lythande1, Dec 21, 2:16am
Up to you, letting mine go.I have tall poles though.

homebay, Dec 21, 3:44am
Thanks heaps to all above :)

Happy Xmas to all of you .:)

astroflight1, Dec 21, 4:41am
Take the larger leaves off.More energy to put into the fruit.

oh_hunnihunni, Dec 21, 4:54am
Ummm, the leaves harvest the sun shine.

ambo11, Dec 24, 1:19am
LOL.two of ours are well over two metres tall now.going mental. Must be the sheep shite soup and glasshouse they are in.heaps of flowers so I'm quietly hoping this year will be better for toms.