How to keep cat out of freshly planted vege garden

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8anna8, Aug 29, 11:54am
I have tried virtually every means over the years, to no avail other than completely covering the entire area with netting. My place is covered in cat crap every night and i have just come accustomed to simply having to scope the shit up every day. I can well understand #19 solution, which i believe is entirely legal but probably not the best option if you want to remain friends with your neighbors. Hopefully we will see the country rid of these pest within the next 20 years.

mumsrule, Aug 29, 12:20pm
When you use the forks insert them into the soil slightly on an angle so the tines point upwards. I used them to keep my cat off the garden. Worked wonders. She did not like getting pricked in the butt lol.

omaria, Aug 29, 1:20pm
Thanks everyone. Helpful suggestions.

samanya, Aug 29, 2:07pm
Bamboo skewers planted close together at an angle work, apparently, can't squat or dig . I haven't tried it, though, cos I don't need to . the cats around my place (few & far between) are more focused on my pond & goldfish.

kindajojo, Aug 30, 7:28am
High speed lead poisoning or a timms trap, and i control my dog, its irresponsible to let your animals wander.
If the cat was squashed on the road, the cat lovers would be offerring sympathy, its simple if you love your cat you care for it.

tegretol, Aug 30, 10:25am
Agree 100%

lil_lass, Aug 30, 10:45am
Bird Netting over the garden.

colin433, Aug 31, 12:25pm
Excellent hint

razell, Aug 31, 2:54pm
I have a bunch of old freezer baskets and wire file baskets etc and I put them over seedlings and seeds and so on. They keep the little plants protected from cats, birds, dogs and offer some protection against the the chickens, if they escape and get in the garden. They don't look pretty but they are easy to use and last for ever.

laurenlee, Aug 31, 4:56pm
Warehouse have hoops. 4 to a pack cost $12. I spaced them across the veg garden and covered with frost cloth-the hoops have clips to hold the cloth,netting or whatever on.At our place it is rabbits,not cats that are the problem.

brightlights60, Sep 1, 5:21am
Most problems happen with cats at night. Mainly because you cannot police your garden 24/7. I find the best way at this time of year is to clothes peg a length of frost cloth above the veg gardens and roll it out every night, secured with long pieces of timber at the close end (my gardens are up against a fence). As we can have frosts through to very late October it saves my plants and the cats out at night can't access it. First thing in the morning the watering system goes on, or I go out and water so they don't like the damp ground as much anyway. We keep our cat in from dusk till dawn so I know he can't get at it.
Finely turned soil is ambrosia for cats.
Another thing we did, was plant a cat mint hedge in front of our huge rose gardens. The cats prefer to visit that, get high and wander off home with a bad case of the munches. Having a big male cat helps too, as we don't actually get many intruders during the day.

brightlights60, Sep 1, 5:22am
Added, you can also plant flowers like marigolds to attract bees to your garden in between the veges. I do this every year and the cats don't seem to like the bees buzzing around.

john7891, Sep 16, 11:30am
Big black dog

cleggyboy, Sep 17, 6:53am
Bury cat under veges and it makes them grow .

genpat, Sep 17, 11:26pm
My daft old bloke has been putting the old squashed up grapefruit and other old citrus around the edges. Seems to work.I have caught him throwing the odd grapefruit at the numerous cats that appear,never hits them but gives them a fright. Coffee grounds are also outside the coffee shops free for the taking.Might try that.

lilyfield, Sep 23, 9:50pm
I put cut down milkbottles over each seedling until they are large enough not to be uprooted by cats. Also made hoops which I cover with bird netting like a tunnel, easy to lift back. Lasts many many years